Yesterday’s announcement was a real blow to Israelis and Palestinians who long for peace. But it was also a reminder about how important our work is, and the challenge we have ahead of us: Not only must we defeat Trump, we must lay the groundwork for a st
J Street

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The Trump administration has just given the settlement movement another massive gift.

Yesterday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that -- in a radical departure from long-standing American foreign policy and in defiance of the entire international community -- the United States would no longer deem West Bank settlements to be “inconsistent with international law.”

Make no mistake: The settlements are, in fact, illegal under international law. Pompeo’s decision willfully disregards the Geneva Conventions, sets Israel on the path to West Bank annexation and shatters American credibility in the Middle East.

It’s another example of how this administration puts the agenda of pro-annexation, pro-settlement extremists in the US and Israel above concerns for Israel’s security, Palestinian rights and prospects for a negotiated two-state solution.

We have to take a stand. Please contribute what you can to help us send a clear message opposing yesterday’s disastrous announcement >>

We have to make it clear that Pompeo, Trump and Ambassador Friedman are aberrations and their regressive views do not represent the new normal for American foreign policy.

In this moment, that means mounting a furious opposition to this announcement in our community and on Capitol Hill.

Our first step is to push for an immediate vote on House Resolution 326, which reaffirms American opposition to settlement expansion and to unilateral annexation.

But ultimately, it means we’ve got to mobilize like never before to help defeat Trump in 2020 and shape a new, positive agenda for the next administration.

Can you chip in right now to ensure we have the resources we need to carry the day?

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Yesterday’s announcement was a real blow to Israelis and Palestinians who long for peace. But it was also a reminder about how important our work is, and the challenge we have ahead of us: Not only must we defeat Trump, we must lay the groundwork for a strong, diplomacy-first vision of global American leadership for the next administration.

We must take on the advocates of permanent occupation and annexation -- and defeat them.

Thank you so much for your support.

Jess Smith
Chief Operating Officer, J Street

P.S. For additional background, please see J Street's statement on Pompeo's announcement.

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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