[1]Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
This is the number of people who voted in Cheri’s race for Chief Justice in 2020.
That’s how many votes that race was decided by. A margin of just 0.007%. This is how close our races are in North Carolina.
This is what we’re asking you to donate today to flip this seat.
In a race that could come down to a handful of votes, EVERYTHING we do is going to make a difference. Every registered voter, every door knock, every dollar.
So Cheri needs you today:
Please make a $3 donation to flip North Carolina blue and send Cheri Beasley to the United States Senate.
CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]
Cheri outperformed nearly every other Democrat on the ticket in 2020. She even got more votes than Thom Tillis did in the Senate race.
She’s won statewide twice before, and if you’re with us, she’s going to win this race too.
- Team Beasley
CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]
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