
Good morning and welcome to our Weekend Update.

First, I want to express my deep appreciation for your support in helping our campaign secure our position on the ballot in the 9th Congressional District. We are the only Republican candidate on the ballot. I don’t take this level of support lightly, nor the responsibility you have placed in me. We are committed to implementing an America First/Pennsylvania First agenda that puts the concerns and needs of the working families residing in our district at the forefront.

While much of the attention is focused on the news of the day in Washington, and rightfully so, we are working just as hard for you at home. We recently announced funding for several critical projects across the District, including funding for critical infrastructure and projects for educational institutions to help expand important programs that are preparing individuals for family-sustaining careers. Click here to read more.

Again, much of the discussion in Washington is about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and all our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom against a tyrannical dictator committing atrocious acts, often targetting innocent civilians, including women and children.

This week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed members of Congress. His words and the images he presented demonstrate Ukraine’s resilience in a devastating war against innocent people.

"And in the end, to sum it up, today, it is not enough to be the leader of the nation. Today takes to be the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace. Peace in your country doesn’t depend anymore only on you and your people. It depends on those next to you, on those who are strong. Strong doesn’t mean weak. Strong is brave and ready to fight for the life of his citizens and citizens of the world. For human rights, for freedom, for the right to live decently, and to die when your time comes. And not when it’s wanted by someone else. By your neighbor." – President Zelenskyy

I agree. We must provide every tool to help Ukraine defeat Putin’s invasion. We are at a pivotal moment: there will either be a free Ukraine or a tyrant will defeat a peaceful and sovereign nation.

After the address, I spoke with WHTM-27 ABC after President Zalenskyy’s address. Click here or below to watch.

Unfortunately, this invasion has exacerbated issues at home created by the Biden administration. The Biden administration’s war on domestic energy production has created an energy crisis that hurts American families. While the Biden administration continues to point blame at “corporate greed” and “Putin,” the truth is that the White House set the groundwork for these disasters to exist.

The White House and many Congressional Democrats shut down the Keystone Pipeline, paused leases for energy development, failed to approve even one permit for drilling, opposed new regulations on the energy industry, threatened higher taxes and warned banks not to make investments in our energy development.

Rather than the White House deflecting blame, let’s look for solutions. Let’s restart energy production. We are relying on energy from Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and, until recently, Russia. Instead, we must look to Central Pennsylvania, West Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, and other parts of the United States for American energy and produce American jobs. This will relieve the higher prices at the pumps and for heating our home. Energy security is American security.

I joined The Evening Edit on Fox Business to discuss the situation in Russia and House Democrats’ continued efforts to stop domestic energy production and efforts to lower gas prices. Click here or below to watch.

IN NEWS YOU WON’T HEAR IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: The situation at the border continues to spin out of control. This is a direct result of the policy decisions of the Biden administration.

  • Newly released data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show that  164,973 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border last month. That’s the highest total for February in the Department of Homeland Security history.

  • That’s 12 straight months of encounters above 150,000 and more than two million illegal immigrant encounters since Biden took office.

  • That does not even include the over 500,000 illegal immigrants who have escaped into the U.S.

  • Under Biden, we’ve seen the worst border crisis in DHS history, and it’s only getting worse. February saw a 63% increase in encounters compared to last February and a 280% compared to the February average under President Trump.

Biden claimed last April they had “gotten control.” That was a lie. Now Harris and Biden won’t even visit the border to see the crisis they created.

Lastly, we lost a great one this week, as it was announced that Congressman Don Young, the Dean of the House, passed. Don served all of Alaska with passion for nearly 50 years. He was a friend and wise mentor. His call for order and expedition on the House floor was legendary will often be imitated but never duplicated.

He cared deeply about the people of Alaska and America and diligently fought for them every day. He was a giant in the House and will be sorely missed. Shelley and I send our most profound condolences to his family, especially his wife Anne, who was regularly at Don's side.

Keep up the faith and the fight,


Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 532, Pottsville, PA 17901, United States
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