With a general election coming up, can you support our work?
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Electoral Reform Society
Building a better democracy

Dear John,

Every general election, sites like the BBC, Guardian and Telegraph present live updates showing results as they roll in. Yet, despite having the data in front of you it’s often hard to see the negative effects of our broken voting system.

Seat share and vote share are rarely featured side by side and change in one are seldom show alongside the other

Separating out these results means that the obvious flaws in Westminster's voting system aren't immediately apparent.

We want to change this, so I'm building our own website where you'll be able to watch the results come in live - would you be willing to support us? 

The stark difference between votes and seats will be readily apparent. Parties that lose votes but gain seats will be obvious. The vast difference between the number of votes per MP will be front and centre.

But I need you help to highlight the flaws in Westminster's voting system. Getting a live feed of election results and specialist developers costs thousands of pounds. 

Could you make a donation?

General elections are the time when there is the most interest in politics from the public. I want to ensure they get to see the full picture and our broken electoral system is put on display for all to see.


Best wishes,
Doug Cowan,
Digital Officer,
Electoral Reform Society

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