On Monday, December 2nd, starting at 10am, the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security will hold a public hearing on the Safe Communities Act in the Gardner Auditorium of the MA State House.

The Safe Communities Act is important because it aims to restore community trust in public institutions by avoiding entanglement in immigration matters and protect due process for all. It specifically:
  1. Ensures that police and court officials do not inquire about immigration status unless required by law
  2. Protects basic rights by ensuring that people in police custody are made aware of their rights and consent to questioning before ICE interviews them
  3. Creates guidelines that limit when law enforcement and court officials can notify ICE of someone’s impending release from custody, such as when a charge is dismissed or a person is released on bail
  4. Ends 287(g) agreements
  5. Provides crucial training and accountability
Learn more about the Safe Communities Act here!
Take Action!
It is critical that support for the Safe Communities Act is demonstrated clearly during the public hearing in the MA State House on December 2nd.

In order to accomplish this, Safe Communities Coalition is holding a media event at 9 am, and then organizing shifts to keep Gardner packed all day. Anyone who wishes to testify may do so; the hearing will go on as long as it takes for all to speak. Even if you don't testify, you can make an impact with your presence.

If you want to get involved on December 2nd, you can either:

1. Attend the rally organised by Safe Communities Coalition at 9:00 am on the steps of the MA State House.
2. Attend the hearing for a two-hour shift. Sign up for your shift here.

If you can't join us, no form is needed, but we encourage you to submit a written testimony. The schedule for December 2nd is below!

Alternative Action!
If you can't attend the hearing, there are many other immediate actions you can take to support the Safe Communities Act:
  1. Text SAFEMA to 52886 to get alerts about the SCA
  2. Follow the SCA Hearing Facebook Event
  3. Stop by the IIIC office at One State Street, 8th Floor to fill out a support card for your representative (we can deliver it, or you can at the event)
  4. Call and email your representative here!
If you have any questions or want more information about the event please don't hesitate to email Magdalena Murphy at [email protected]
Please also consider sharing this worthy cause with your friends and family.
The Irish International Immigrant Center is working toward a society in which all are welcomed and valued and enjoy equal opportunities and protections. The IIIC is a highly respected multi-service welcome center for immigrant and refugee families from around the globe. We assist newcomers as they integrate into American society by providing legal, wellness, and education services, working for systemic change, and facilitating cross-cultural community building and inclusion.

Please support our work at this important time.
The IIIC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations are tax-deductible.
www.iiicenter.org | 617.542.7654

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