From Sarah Locke <[email protected]>
Subject We need your help before March 31st, John
Date March 19, 2022 1:48 PM
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John, Connecticut Democrats are hard at work mobilizing our state’s Democratic volunteers, organizers, and voters ahead of November’s elections.

In addition to preparing for the 2022 Connecticut Democratic Convention in May, we’re hosting monthly training workshops as part of our efforts to build a comprehensive voter outreach program in support of Governor Lamont, Senator Blumenthal, and other Democrats down the ballot who are up for election this year.

Now we need your help expanding on this work.

Our first end-of-quarter deadline of 2022 is less than two weeks away, and we need to raise $20,000 before March 31st to continue expanding our organizing work across Connecticut — chip in now to support our work: [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

DONATE $10 Now [[link removed]]

Your continued support has enabled Connecticut’s Democratic House and Senate majorities to deliver for working families in our state — from passing the most robust paid family and medical leave law in the country to raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

After three years of Governor Lamont’s leadership, Connecticut has a $1.5 billion surplus, more families are moving into our state, and Democrats are preparing to cut taxes for middle class families, retirees, and people with student loans.

By donating to help us reach our end-of-quarter fundraising goal, you’re investing in Democratic victories all across Connecticut to ensure that this progress continues.

Far-right Republicans are more energized and prepared than ever before, John, and Democrats in races big and small across Connecticut will be counting on our organizing infrastructure in the weeks and months ahead to help them defeat their Republican opponents.

Please chip in whatever you can today to help us reach our first end-of-quarter fundraising goal of the year. Any amount that you donate helps us mobilize more Democratic voters across Connecticut! [[link removed]]

DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

Thanks for supporting Connecticut Democrats,

Sarah Locke
Executive Director
CT Democratic Party
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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