for Congress

President Trump is being hunted by Democrats who are so desperate to impeach him – they are endlessly investigating in hopes of "creating" a crime that they can use to oust President Trump. They can't beat him at the ballot box, so they're using the CIA, FBI, and media partners to overthrow him.

We MUST stop them before they succeed in legitimizing their attacks with help from their #FakeNews pals. Chip in to help me defend our President & take back the House.

American voters are starting to take notice of the proceedings for what they really are – one large scam on the American people. After weeks of secret closed-door depositions and biased public hearings, the Democrats have failed to deliver any impeachment "dirt."

Instead, the Democrats have only produced three unhappy bureaucrats who are unhappy that Trump was engaged in foreign policy with Ukraine without them! At the end of the day none of these "witnesses" actually witnessed a thing. The entire case is built on hearsay and innuendo.

The Democrats are weaponizing the media, our own government institutions, and a deep-state bureaucracy to wage a hyper-political war against Republicans and President Trump.

That is why I'm fighting back! Help me fight back: Donate immediately!

If the Democrats continue to persist in their impeachment charade they will pay the price of seeing some Democrats were elected in swing districts carried by Trump in 2016 go down to defeat in 2020.

We're right on the edge of delivering the Democrats a fatal blow to their impeachment campaigns. Will you stop and make a generous donation of at least $25 to help us deliver the final blow to the Democrats' scam?

The facts are clear and irrefutable, President Donald Trump's assistance to Ukraine has been more consistent and robust than any of Obama's prior efforts. And it's driving the Democrats insane.

Please contribute and help me beat back the Democrats' impeachment scheme now!

Thank you,

Congressman Andy Biggs

P.S. Nancy Pelosi and her cabal of radical Democrats don't care about doing what's just. They only care about delivering a win for their extreme left-wing base. If they succeed in their scheme nothing will stop them from carrying out their socialist vision for America. Your donation of $25 or more is the support we need to put an immediate halt to their plans.

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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