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ANALYSISLate-term abortionist Warren Hern says compassion motivates him… as he rakes in up to $25k per abortion

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Mar 19, 2022 05:43 am

Embryo_Result_is_a_babyHern and those in the pro-abortion media need to rely on lies and fear tactics; otherwise, they would get little support for their violent agenda.
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Journalist Lara Logan: Ukraine’s ‘Puppet’ President was ‘Selected’, ‘We are Being Lied to On An Epic Scale’ (Video)

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Mar 19, 2022 05:31 am

On Tuesday, Journalist Lara Logan appeared on America’s Voice AM and denounced Ukraine’s ‘puppet’ President Volodymyr Zelensky who was “selected” and called much of the news about Ukraine “misinformation.”
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Taxpayers Defrauded of Billions

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Mar 19, 2022 05:22 am

After COVID funding was stripped from the $1.5 trillion omnibus last week, Democrat leadership is still trying to figure out a way to pass it as a separate bill. Even though $4.6 trillion remains unspent from the $14 trillion that the federal government has previously allocated,
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Liz Yore – SCOTUS Nom – Jackson’s Sentencing for Pedophiles Under the Mandatory Minimums

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Mar 18, 2022 07:29 pm

Yore Children is dedicated to the protection and advocacy of children around the world. Elizabeth Yore, the founder of Yore Children is an international child...
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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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