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Hi friend,

Devastating news comes daily from Ukraine.  

What’s not being reported is the huge debt burden the country is facing. Despite the invasion, the country is still paying off its lenders. Not only that, Ukraine is being forced to take on new debt to pay for the crisis and the urgent needs of its people.

Sign the petition to #CancelUkrainesDebt

This year alone, the country is expected to repay $7.3 billion to foreign lenders. 

The people of Ukraine are fighting for survival, and yet daily they see essential resources flow out of the country.

If Ukraine continues to make debt payments, western banks and hedge funds could make profits of 300%. 

This is a crisis. Rich country governments need to step up to the plate.  

You can help by calling for the debt to be cancelled. Add your name to the campaign.  


Thanks for your support.

Best wishes,  

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