
The failed New York Times is threatening to cancel me over comments about China I made almost a decade ago.

So why are they attacking me now?

  1. Their illogical hatred of President Trump and anyone who supports his America-First policies.
  2. I'm am the front runner in this race, and it scares them!

I have some news for the New York Times. They don't get to cancel me or the truth about China. Our campaign can't be bought and won't be silenced!

You can help me fight back, Jack, by sending an urgent donation to our campaign.
What did I say that offended them?

Like President Trump, I am willing to tell the truth about China.

Donald Trump was right when he said:
  • COVID- 19 did come from China, and China's COVID cover-up cost lives around the world.
  • The Chinese do steal intellectual property, cheat on trade deals, and destroy American jobs.
  • The failed New York Times is a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

Donald Trump was absolutely right to stand up to them, and I will do the same in the Senate.

My goal is to raise $30,000 before the end of the month to secure our lead before the primary election. Can you please donate $20.22, $50, or even $100 today to help me reach our goal?
As we speak, China is cozying up to Russia and threatening to invade Taiwan.

How does the New York Times plan to cover for China if that happens?

It’s time people knew the truth about China. They don't play by the rules.

When I'm in the Senate, I will stop China from taking advantage of America. If that offends the New York Times, I'll consider it a bonus.

Jack, can I count on you to stand with me? Please click below to support our campaign.
Thank you,

Mike Gibbons