Team, Republicans have just launched a new attack ad against Susie!
URGENT: Chip in to help Susie Lee fight back against the GOP’s vicious attacks!
47/500 Supporters Needed
Folks, this is getting out of control. Susie Lee is one of the toughest fighters we have in the House and the Republican leaders know it.
They’re aiming to flip this seat and replace Susie with a MAGA conspiracy theorist who would join the ranks of Greene, Gaetz & Co. Republicans are desperate to build out their conspiracy caucus, which is why they spent a boatload of money to run this ad!
But, let us be clear: this race is ground zero for keeping control of the House.
On election night, our Democratic Majority will very likely be resting on our shoulders. Whether or not Susie’s supporters have her back could have implications here in Nevada and across the country.
Can we count on you to step up and help Susie Lee fight back against the GOP’s attacks? If so, please rush a $10 (or more!) contribution to Susie’s campaign to keep Nevada blue and hold the House!
Thanks for having Susie’s back!
Team Susie Lee