APRIL 1, 2022


Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action is only two weeks away! Across the country, advocates like you are gearing up to take down the biggest joker in history: Big Tobacco.

Today, we're excited to unveil our Advocacy Action Map where you can see our major campaigns in your state – and send messages to policymakers asking them to stop Big Tobacco from gambling with kids' lives. We hope you think it's a useful tool and will share it widely.

Click on your state to see what action is needed!

But let's back up for a second...

Have you registered your participation in the Day of Action? If not, please register here.

No activation is too small! 

Need help? Check out these resources:

  • Activities Database: Recently updated with even more ideas for creating fun, impactful Joker Takedown events.
  • Toolkit: Downloadable posters and social media graphics – plus fact sheets, guides, and more.
  • Story Portal [NEW!]:  Share how you or your loved ones have been affected by smoking, vaping or other tobacco use.


BONUS: Keep your eyes peeled next week when we'll unveil an interactive, online Joker Takedown card game that you can use to educate and activate people in your community!


Make sure to follow Take Down Tobacco on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates. And spread the word on social media using #TakeDownTobacco.

Looking forward,

Gustavo Torrez
Director of Youth Advocacy


Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 I St NW, Ste 1200
Washington, District of Columbia xxxxxx
202-296-5469 | [email protected]

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