Big Oil thinks they have us over a barrel — but we’re taking action!
As Bernie said, “We can no longer allow big oil companies and the billionaire class to use the murderous Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing pandemic as an excuse to price gouge Americans and rake in record profits.”
Our Revolution stands with our progressive partners in Congress pushing for a Big Oil Windfall-Profits Tax to stop to this war-profiteering, cap gas prices and put money back in the pockets of consumers.
U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced the bill this week, calling for a 50-percent tax on oil barons’ excess profits.
Revenues from the tax would go to working class families with annual payments up to $360/yr.
John, sign here to join us in demanding every member of Congress sign on to the Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax!
This isn’t a radical idea — during WWII, FDR enacted tax rates as high as 90 percent on the excess profits of corporations.
We know the Windfall-Profits Tax will be opposed by the worst corporate Democrats and Republicans – but like FDR, we welcome their hatred!
As Sen. Whitehouse said: “We must ensure oil companies don’t profit by billions off of Ukraine’s misfortune and Putin’s cruelty, and plow that money back into climate denial and political dark money, extending their vicious cycle of profit and corruption.”
The American people are on our side, and progressives are organizing to put a stop to this dirty business.
Sign here to demand a new windfall profits tax on Big Oil.
In solidarity,
