I wanted to take a second to share something I’m really proud of, folks.

Last week, the Senate passed my bipartisan bill to reform the US Postal Service. Now, the bill is on President Biden’s desk.

This legislation will not only put the USPS on firm financial footing — it will prevent Trump-appointed Postmaster Louis DeJoy from continuing to drastically slow down mail delivery across the country.

If you agree our bipartisan legislation is a step in the right direction, please add your name to my petition supporting USPS reform:


Folks in our rural communities often bear the brunt of slow mail delivery. Earlier this year I heard from some people who received their holiday mail in February — two months late!

That’s unacceptable, and it’s why I’ve pushed so hard for reform, holding DeJoy accountable as he’s threatened to undermine our postal service and even removed dozens of mail collection boxes in communities across Montana.

Now, we’ve got a chance to make some real changes to the system, and I’m looking forward to seeing them in action.

Thanks for standing with me on this,
