Fossil Fuels Bad!
The people hate climate change, gas prices, and Putin. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused global energy prices to skyrocket. While a concerted effort to fight high prices at the pump is taking place, members of Congress are also envisioning a world where we achieve true energy independence through clean energy.
In a March 2022 national survey, Data for Progress and Climate Power assessed likely voters’ attitudes toward Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting impacts on energy prices. We find that voters across party lines support investments to advance clean energy production in America and hold oil and gas companies accountable for price shocks.

Climate change is uniting voters. It’s time our legislators recognize making bold investments in clean energy to combat the dual crises of energy independence and the climate crisis is not only necessary, but popular!
Read the full piece here.
Some highlights from DFP this week:
It’s Time to Listen to Young Voters on Climate Action
While climate action continues to stall in Congress, young voters — who are increasingly concerned about the impacts of climate change :( — are deeply cognizant of the federal government’s inaction. In a December 2021 national survey, Data for Progress and Sunrise Movement assessed the attitudes of likely voters ages 18-35 toward climate change and found that 46 percent say they are “not very” or “not at all” optimistic about society’s capability to handle climate change.

We then asked young voters whether they support or oppose several of the Green New Deal’s main policy pillars. Despite these lackluster feelings, overwhelming majorities of young voters support ambitious federal climate actions such as an executive order to declare a National Climate Emergency and the Green New Deal.

Read the full polling analysis here.
The Green New Deal is Incredibly Popular
As evidenced above, the youths™ love the GND. The good news is that the Green New Deal is incredibly popular, while the bad news is that Congress can’t keep up. Our latest polling finds support among the public is already there, and it is strong. We can and must grow GND support.
Over 65 percent of likely voters support Green New Deal-branded bills while only 20 percent of House and Senate members are in agreement.

Black voters are by far the biggest proponents of the legislation. They support every core piece of GND legislation by at least +60 percentage points, with an overwhelming average of 78 percent supporting. With Build Back Better failing, we need bold climate action now.
Read the full blog post here.