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Dear Reader,

Nonprofit newsrooms like ours operate on trust. You trust us to provide in-depth coverage of the region that isn’t influenced by motives of profit or power, and we trust you to sustain the coverage you value. Free access to nonpartisan, fact-based journalism is essential to our region’s future, but we can’t do this work without the support of readers like yourself. 

That’s why we’re seeking 50 new recurring donors before the end of the month to keep us on track and ready to report on whatever comes next for our region.
Start a recurring gift today and your first gift is double-matched!
Why are recurring gifts so important? Well, the simplest explanation is that our costs to provide this service are recurring, so our support needs to be as well. The researching, interviewing, writing, editing, fact-checking, visuals, web publication and more that it takes to produce each PublicSource story costs an average of $5,000. Then there are the unexpected or increased expenses that any organization encounters (say in a pandemic, or a time of inflation, for instance). Every recurring gift we receive helps strengthen our ability to meet the needs of the moment and plan effectively for the future.

Need another reason to start a recurring gift? Thanks to the generosity of the Inasmuch Foundation, when you start a new recurring gift before March 31, your first gift will be double-matched! That means if you start a gift of $5/month, we’ll get an extra $10. Give $10/month and we’ll get an extra $20. It’s a great time to make your support go even further.
Yes, I’ll start a recurring gift of any amount and have my first gift matched!
Thank you for stepping up today to support stories for a better Pittsburgh, now and in the days to come.


Halle Stockton
Managing Editor

To be removed from fundraising messages, please email [email protected]. Donations by check can be made payable to PublicSource and mailed to 1936 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15219. So that we can credit you properly, please include your email address with your gift.

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