From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Update
Date March 18, 2022 6:16 PM
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ADL Letter to Amnesty International Regarding Hostility Toward Israel

In a
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letter to Amnesty International, ADL expressed serious concern about the hostility displayed by Amnesty International and its employees towards Israel and its supporters:

"Amnesty USA Director Paul O&rsquo;Brien, in a speech to the Women&rsquo;s National Democratic Club, tried to explain why most Jews don&rsquo;t really feel attached to Israel &ndash; contrary to the results revealed in poll after poll &ndash; while arguing Israel shouldn&rsquo;t exist as a Jewish state. The arrogance and audacity is almost inexplicable. Would Mr. O'Brien hector other marginalized communities and tell them how to feel?"

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Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories Abound Around Russian Assault on Ukraine
Since Russia&rsquo;s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, extremists and antisemites across the ideological spectrum have used the war as fodder for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories. Emanating from classic antisemites and white supremacists, as well as QAnon influencers and Proud Boys acolytes, classic tropes of Jewish power, financial control and &ldquo;abuse&rdquo; of the Holocaust narrative abound online. In just a few short weeks, tens of thousands of social media users have been exposed to these dangerous lies.

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Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2021
Each year, individuals with ties to extreme movements and ideologies kill people in the United States. Some killings are high profile and spark nationwide outrage; others may go largely unnoticed except by the family and friends of victims. For 14 years, the ADL Center on Extremism has worked to identify and track as many of these domestic extremist-related murders as possible, and to identify past extremist-related murders dating back to 1970.

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Photo Credit: Getty

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"From Helsinki to Tehran: the US Needs a Multi-Track Process to Address Iranian Aggression" by Jonathan Greenblatt

Last week, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt wrote an op-ed for Forward, ringing alarm bells about the threat that Iran poses to interests around the world.

"The Iranian regime is the single most prominent sponsor of terror and terrorist organizations around the world. Their activities span nearly every continent and they have left death and debris in their wake in countries such as Argentina, Lebanon, Turkey, Bulgaria and even in the US."

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ADL Washington, D.C. Twitter Spotlight
ADL Washington, D.C. offers timely information, statements and resources in response to regional and national trending topics via Twitter. Check out the links below to see what we are Tweeting about:

- Virginia:
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ADL Applauds VA Superintendents for Opposing Executive Order One - Rescinding Education Equity Resources
- Antisemitism:
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ADL Shares Short Videos on Antisemitism
- Goyim Defense League:
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The GDL Was Responsible for 74 Incidents of Propaganda in 2021
- Women&rsquo;s History Month:
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12 Picture Books to Read

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ADL Education Resources
Our collection of K-12 education resources promotes critical thinking and learning around historical and current events topics through the lens of diversity, bias and social justice. This week, we are featuring resources about the refugee crisis in Ukraine and ways to celebrate Women's History Month. Check out the links below for more information:

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Why is there a Refugee Crisis in Ukraine?
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7 Ideas for Teaching Women's History Month
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Women's Suffrage, Racism and Intersectionality

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More Resources



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Is Your Synagogue Part of ADL&rsquo;s Signature Synagogue Program?

We are inviting synagogues across D.C., MD, NC and VA to join ADL Washington, D.C.&rsquo;s 2022 Signature Synagogue Program. Through the program, ADL partners with synagogues across our region to ignite a congregation-wide commitment to raising awareness of and speaking out against antisemitism and hate. Participants in the Signature Synagogue Program will have special direct access to ADL speaking engagements, Words to Action workshops, resources and learning opportunities.

For those who participated in the 2021 Signature Synagogue Program, we invite you to renew your membership and join us for the 2022 session. To sign up, gather more information or renew your membership, please reach out to Erica Biegen at
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Signature%20Synagogue%20Program%20Inquiry
[email protected] .

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