Did you see this? Our leaders are calling ALL of us to action to fight back against the HUNDREDS of voter suppression bills Republicans have introduced in over 27 states. We need 873 gifts before midnight to DENOUNCE Republicans’ voter suppression and DEFEND Democrats’ razor-thin Majorities. Will you answer their calls by rushing $10 before midnight? >>

Republicans already launched over 250 voter suppression bills to sabotage Democrats in this historic Election Year.

Kamala Harris called us to step up in the face of Republicans’ new voter suppression laws:
'Step up and act.' - Kamala Harris

Michelle Obama backed her up:

'We must protect the right to vote' - Michelle Obama

Beto O’Rourke joined them too:

'We are not going to win unless we show up.' - Beto O'Rourke

When these incredible leaders call for our support -- we simply can’t let them down. We need to fight EVERY anti-voting rights bill across the country. We need 873 Democrats to rush their support before midnight to CONDEMN Republicans’ voter suppression schemes and PROTECT our critical Democratic Majorities. Can we count on your $10? >>

Chip in your $10 now >>
Chip in your $25 now >>
Chip in your $50 now >>
Chip in your $100 now >>
Chip in another amount >>

Thank you,

Team Latino Victory


PO Box 34104 Washington, DC 20043
Contributions or gifts to Latino Victory Project are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.