In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
Pupils are asked questions about their periods if they don't attend daily prayers at an east London Islamic girls' school, the schools watchdog Ofsted has
New figures released today by YouGov reveal that more than seven in ten people with an advanced or terminal illness would support a change in the law on
assisted dying.
Some Conservative parliamentary candidates have come out strongly in favour of India's actions in Kashmir, in an apparent attempt to win over Hindu voters.
Leaders of some Jewish groups have called on Conservatives to dump a general election candidate who said that British Jews return from trips to Israel as
"brainwashed extremists".
The US fast-food chain Chick-fil-A said it has stopped funding two Christian organisations that have come under fire from LGBT campaigners for opposing
marriage equality.
Elective abortion has a good chance of becoming legal in Argentina, supporters said on Monday, as a new centre-left president is about to take office and
feminist and abortion rights movements are growing in the South American country.
A union federation representing 45,000 teachers in Quebec is suing the Canadian province over its ban on the wearing of religious symbols by many public
Sumit Ganguly says building a Hindu temple on the site of the destroyed Ayodhya mosque in India will bolster the Hindu nationalist BJP's following among the
most fervid Hindus.
As academic research shows some intolerant attitudes are widespread among Catholic school pupils in Scotland, Alastair Lichten says rolling back
denominational education is essential to promoting cohesion and equality.
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