Yahoo News Poll:
“Americans warm to Biden's approach on Russia and Ukraine.”

Democratic Opinion Poll: In Progress
Registered to: [email protected]
Date: Friday, March 18th, 2022

Answer now: Do you approve of President Joe Biden’s performance as Commander‑in‑Chief?

Biden: Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will bear the consequences. America stands up to bullies and we stand up for freedom. This is who we are.

YES >>
NO >>

As the Russia-Ukraine crisis continues, President Biden is leading the free-world with strength, respect for institutions, and an emphasis on the best interests of the American people.

Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden

But Republicans are baselessly attacking President Biden’s response and spreading disinformation to boost their odds in the midterm elections!

Donald Trump: We have a president representing our country at the most important time in history, who is physically and mentally challenged.

Friend - Just imagine if Trump was still Commander-in-Chief. That’s why we need to know that Democrats stand with President Biden. Submit your response below:

Do you approve of President Joe Biden’s performance as Commander‑in‑Chief?

YES >>
NO >>

This cannot wait.


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

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This year is critical for our democracy. To stop a full-on Republican assualt, we must hold our House majority, save our Senate majority and take back control of state houses to ensure our nation represents the voices of all.

Remember: a single Senate seat or just a handful of House seats could decide the remaining years of Biden's presidency and the progressive agenda we fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

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