Solitary confinement, water with worms and blood-stained uniforms are what people faced at one private prison in Eloy, Arizona. To be specific, those people are migrants of color who are being criminalized and dehumanized at government facilities like the Eloy Detention Center, a federal prison in a rural community where Advancement Project National Office has ventured to highlight and shut down harsh immigration policies and practices.
Join Advancement Project National Office and Arizona-based Puente Human Rights Movement as we continue to work to #AbolishICE Thursday from 10-11:00 am for Inside Eloy: A Discussion and Report Release on Migrant Detention and Mass Incarceration in the U.S. The event will feature the release of the organizations’ qualitative report “The Carceral State of Arizona: The Human Cost of Being Confined,” detailing the inhumane conditions at an ICE detention facility outside of Phoenix, Arizona.

The event will also feature the debut of InsideEloy.org—an immersive website featuring a collection of videos, narratives, and digital toolkits featuring the voices of people currently detained inside Eloy.
Advancement Project National Office and its partners will be calling on the closure of all ICE-detention facilities. The event will feature noted immigrant rights activists and include testimony from people who were formerly detained in ICE facilities.
- Losmin Jimenez, Project Director and Senior Attorney for Immigrant Justice at Advancement Project National Office
- Alejandra Pablos, a nationally-recognized immigrant and reproductive rights community organizer who was recently detained by Immigration Customs Enforcement for 43 days
- Natally Cruz, member of Puente Human Rights Movement

When: Thursday, November 21, 2019 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Where: The Loft at 600 F St. NW, Washington, D.C. (3rd floor)
Register here.
Can’t make it but interested in contributing to the cause? You can do so here.