[1]NNU - Medicare for All!
According to a recent study from HealthCare.com, nearly a quarter of
millennials and Gen Zers — essentially all adults born during or after the
early 1980s — are forced to skip housing payments as a result of medical
And it’s not just the uninsured who are impacted — 45 percent of
millennials and 68 percent of Gen Zers said that they have health
insurance, but their plan didn’t fully cover services they received,
resulting in debt.
Are you or
someone you know a young person who’s struggled to pay bills — whether
it’s mortgage payments, rent, childcare costs, or putting food on the
table — as a result of medical debt? If so, we want to hear from you.
We’re collecting stories from young people who have felt the impact of
medical debt on their everyday expenses — and if that sounds like you,
your story could have a huge impact in our fight for comprehensive health
care reform. [ [link removed] ]Will you share your story with us here and make sure your
voice is included in this vital conversation?
[ [link removed] ]Share your story »
We know that our for-profit health care system is at the root of our
medical debt crisis here in the United States. What’s more, this problem
isn’t going away anytime soon — in fact, it's getting worse.
According to a Gallup and West Health poll, around 30 percent of Americans
said that they have skipped getting health care when it was needed because
they couldn’t afford the costs. That’s up from 18 percent when the same
question was asked only a year ago.^2
[ [link removed] ]If any of this sounds like you or someone you love, then please
consider sharing your experiences with medical debt with us today. Every
voice we add to this urgent conversation helps to amplify our call for
immediate reform.
Together, our voices have the power to affect real change — and we’re
grateful to have yours in this conversation.
In solidarity,
Max Cotterill
Nurses' Campaign to Win Medicare for All
1 - [ [link removed] ]healthcare.com
2 - [ [link removed] ]thehill.com
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