In case you didn’t hear, I’m taking personal legal action against the CDC to stop the B.S. mask mandates on airplanes.
I spoke out when Nancy Pelosi kept these stupid rules on the House floor - even when that meant taking a personal fine. As a proud veteran, I spoke out when vaccine mandates kept brave soldiers out of our fighting forces.

And now, I’m standing proud on my metal legs and taking the CDC to court in order to fight THIS COVID rule, too.

We’re over two years into this crap - it’s time for the mandates to END!

If you agree, can I count on you to sign this petition in support of my fight? I want to show the politicians and bureaucrats who STILL push this COVID theater just how FED UP the American people really are!
I won’t let them make this the new normal. You deserve freedom - not fear-mongering!

Thank you for not backing down,
SSG Brian Mast, U.S. Army (ret.)