Your update from the change-makers at

Action 1: register more Democratic-leaning people

We still have a lot more to do and we need your help. We are only sending voter registration information to the TOP 10% of those MOST LIKELY to lean Democratic in CD 3, 7, and 11. To defend the House and keep Reps Malinowski, Kim, and Sherrill, we just cannot hope the existing registered Dems will show up and vote: we need to register more Democrats.

Click on the image to enlarge, but all the details are on there.

Sign up!

Action 2: Enroll 18-20yo in Vote By Mail

What about folks who are already registered? There’s a big universe of them and with our limited resources, we are focused on YOUNG PEOPLE. These kids are already registered to vote, but they just didn’t vote in 2021. And we cannot have them miss this year’s crucial elections.

Here’s the amazing news! Volunteers in CD 7 snapped up the entire pool in less than 4 days. This is a record! Thank you to all who stepped up to do their part, to pick up the flyers, and to help distribute them.

And I’m thrilled to tell you that just last night, Burlington County’s list of POC kids is all taken! We have 540 kids in Mercer and 777 kids in Monmouth left to do. Please sign up to help.

Meet the candidate!

Last month, you met candidate for CD 10, Imani Oakley. Next month, you’ll get to meet the incumbent, Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. You know that our work has been focused on democracy and election infrastructure, and if that aligns with you, then you’ll want to join our Zoom. I’m honored to host the Congressman and I hope you will join us. Registration required:

In democracy,

~Uyen “Winn” Khuong

Executive Director

Do or Donate. Democracy requires all of us.


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