It’s official. My name is on the ballot for Iowa’s U.S. Senate Primary Election on June 7th. Thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of supporters like you, our campaign turned in over 7,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s office. We are extremely proud of our efforts after receiving over 100 signatures in over 20 counties, with a substantial showing in rural Iowa.


It’s official. My name is on the ballot for Iowa’s U.S. Senate Primary Election on June 7th. Thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of supporters like you, our campaign turned in over 7,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s office. We are extremely proud of our efforts after receiving over 100 signatures in over 20 counties, with a substantial showing in rural Iowa.

I want to extend a hand of appreciation to all who volunteered time, resources, and an emotive force to reach this goal. Everyone associated with this winning campaign are humbled, grateful, and honored for this ‘all hands’ effort. You can read more about our filing here. Thank you to State Senator Bill Dotzler for his wise advice…and Julie, Aaron, and Maddy, a mighty trio, for making it happen.

We have the momentum in this race. I was asked at a forum about my plan to defeat Senator Grassley in December. My reply, Independents will decide this race in a General Election. Hence, we need to connect with the many silent Iowans, those who see the unhelpful divisiveness and shallow name-calling, and represent the needs of every Iowan on the political spectrum; listen to them, refute the falsehoods, clarify intent, and be stunningly honest. To this end, I’m on the road to meet people all over the state, wherever Iowans live and work. Whether I am playing pool, visiting a place of worship, touring farms, talking to students, or driving a truck, I’ll be there. Please take action and join us!

We added State Senator Kevin Kinney to our growing list of endorsements this week. The people of Johnson, Keokuk and Washington counties are better off because of his leadership. Also, recall Kevin’s legacy of going after some of the most atrocious crimes against children. I will continue to discuss with current and former members of Iowa’s law enforcement cadre, social workers, mental health professionals, and elected officials on how to make society safe for all. Please check out our full list of endorsements here!

More endorsements are coming in fast and furious. Thank you.

Franken for Iowa


7200 petitions

22 counties with over 100 signatures in each county

93 counties represented

46 endorsements

Upcoming Events

As your next Senator, my voting record will be defined as pro-democracy (job #1), pro-civil rights, pro-human rights, pro-labor, pro-education, pro-environment, and pro-business. These are not lofty goals, but positions necessary to advance a society, grow, and enjoy a higher quality of life. Is funding available to do this? Of course! But we need to ensure that those who have ample capacity to help the rest of society realize that higher quality of life. Also, I accept the challenge to bring about the next generation of engaged citizens into the political process. Measured, logical, pragmatic, and empathetic…those are the marching orders for a better tomorrow. We can do this.

See our updated web page:


Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)