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Is the War in Ukraine Prophetic?

By Lamb and Lion Ministries on Mar 16, 2022 05:38 pm

Christ in ProphecyWar in Ukraine Tim Moore: For several weeks, American and European leaders warned that Russia was about to attack Ukraine. Now we know that the Russian...
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Front Men of the Great Reset? or Who influences the influencers? Meet Klaus Schwab’s chief adviser

By Leo Hohmann on Mar 16, 2022 05:31 pm

revelation deep state transhumanwhere does Klaus Schwab get his bizarre, indeed frightening ideas about transhumanism, globalism and technocracy? Who shapes his worldview?
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The Daily Skirmish – Baby Parts Researchers Can’t Justify Themselves, Try As They Might

By Liberato on Mar 16, 2022 04:55 pm

abortion2 620x326I want to hear you abortion advocates out there defend chopping up babies into little pieces and selling their parts for money.  I’ve heard some of the most ridiculous justifications possible.
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Discerning This Evil Day
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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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