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The DeSantis Doctrine

Kurt Schlichter

The Conservative Love Affair with Tulsi

Kurt Schlichter

The Mainstream Media’s Personhood Hypocrisy on Full Display in Ukraine

Spencer Brown

We Need to Learn to Keep Our Mouths Shut

Larry O'Connor

At Least They’re Not Hunter Biden

Derek Hunter

'Nothing to See Here' Says the Liberal Media

Brad Slager

10 Realities of Ukraine

Victor Davis Hanson

Dem Nightmare: What if the War Ends Before November?

Ann Coulter

California Gov. Newsom's Firewall: Republican-Hating Voters

Larry Elder

Here's Why You Might Not Want to Bring Your Kids to Disneyworld Anymore

Matt Vespa

Democrats Plan to Use Kamala Harris As Their Midterm Hail Mary

Matt Vespa

It Looks Like Congress Finally Found a Non-Partisan Issue to Unite Around

Rebecca Downs

Minnesota State Democrats Engaged in a Particularly Absurd Display of Pandering on Gas Tax

Rebecca Downs

The Drama Continues: Jussie Smollett to Be Released from Jail

Rebecca Downs

Blackmail: Did Joe Biden Just Talk About Hunter Biden and His Laptop?

Katie Pavlich

Wait...Did Kamala Harris Suggest That Ukraine Is Part of NATO?

Matt Vespa

School Days, School Days

Emmett Tyrrell

Campus Free-Speech Problems Come Down to Culture

Veronique de Rugy

Illegal Immigration: Another of Biden's Manufactured Crises

Laura Hollis

The TSA's Mask Mandate Is Just As Logical As All Its Other Arbitrary Impositions

Jacob Sullum

Iran's missile Attack on Kurdistan Is Dangerous Aggression From a Desperate Leader

Cyrus Yaqubi

Not a Match Made in Heaven for Many Medical School Graduates

Devon Herrick

The U.S. Must Embrace Cryptocurrency to Protect Americans and Remain an Economic Powerhouse

Armstrong Williams

Compassion Rather Than Contempt

Jackie Gingrich Cushman

The Woman And the Post Office

Cal Thomas

Ukraine Crisis Underscores Need for Early Pressure on Rogue States, Including Iran

Majid Rafizadeh

Instagram Unveils Tools for Parents to Track Their Teen’s Activity

Madeline Leesman

EXCLUSIVE: Rubio Files Resolution to Overturn Biden Administration's Pro-Abortion Title X Family Planning Rule

Rebecca Downs

Fact Check: Do Working Women Really Earn 83 Cents for Every Dollar a Man Makes?

Madeline Leesman

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Democratic knives come out for DeWine after Constitutional Carry signed |
Tennessee bill would subject burglary victims to criminal charges |
A "stunning" defeat for a Rhode Island gun ban |
Are you ready to celebrate 50 "blissful" years of the ATF? |
Arizona state senator thinks you should hide in your house |
Las Vegas man reminds us why we treat every gun as loaded |