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March 2022 Edition: Women's History Month

What's New:
🚀 Program Launches
📰 Text Troop Candidates Making Headlines
🏳️‍🌈 Phone Bank for the Equality Act
❓ Trivia Question of the Month


On March 28th, we are launching a texting program in a brand new state to help folks find COVID-19 vaccination appointments and testing sites near them. Keep an eye out in the Text Troop Slack for more information!
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💡 Resources for even better conversations 💡
For women's history month. 5 new novels that celebrate female accomplishments
Historical Fiction Must-Reads
"Throughout history, women’s contributions to the arts and sciences, their communities and their countries have often been glossed over or ignored. These well-researched works of historical fiction celebrate their courage, accomplishments and fighting spirit."

Read More at The Washington Post
People holding pro-choice signs at a rally
Why the Struggle for Abortion Rights is Important for Everyone
With the recent passage of extreme unconstitutional abortion bans in Texas and Mississippi, the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn or severely undermine the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. What will the landscape of U.S. abortion provision look like in a post-Roe scenario?
How does the struggle for reproductive rights link to other efforts to advance a truly democratic, equitable and just society? What can progressive public health care professionals and activists do to help? During this engaging panel discussion, an abortion provider, legal scholar, and reproductive justice activist, will address these issues and discuss where to go from here. 
When: April 3, 2022, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT


👏 See the progress Text Troop is creating 👏
MI AG Dana Nessel
AG Dana Nessel Argues to Expand Protections for LGBTQ+ Community
“I have long fought for equal treatment under the law,” Nessel said after court. “I was proud to represent [the Michigan Department of Civil Rights] this morning, as well as the people of our vibrant state. No one should experience barriers to employment, housing, education, or public accommodations and services because of who they are or who they love.”

Read More on Between the Lines News
State Rep Mari Manoogian smiling
Rep. Mari Manoogian Works to Ensure Firearms are Stored Securely 
Manoogian said 4.6 million American children live in homes with unsecured firearms, and 75% of those children know where to find the firearms. Manoogian also said that 80% of school shooters under the age of 18 get their firearms from their home or from the homes of friends or relatives. 

Manoogian had a message for survivors and anyone who has been touched by gun violence. “Your safety matters, and we will not rest until this legislation addresses this crisis."

Read More on C&G News
Image: Calendar
Text Troop Calendar:
  • March 28th: Vaccine Texting in a surprise state | 9AM-9PM ET
  • Early Summer: Primaries! | 9AM-9PM in program timezones

*Please remember our program dates can be fluid, so keep an eye on our Upcoming Program Calendar for updates and changes.

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Equality Act North Carolina - Friday Phonebanks

All Americans should have the opportunity to live their lives free from discrimination. But today there are no explicit federal protections against discrimination for LGBTQ+ Americans who want the same as anyone else.

In these critical phone banks, you will be connecting constituents with their Legislators to tell them it’s time to update federal law so that all people, including LGBTQ+ people, are protected from discrimination!

When: Fridays, 5:30 – 7:30pm EST
RSVP Here: 
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Trivia Time! 
Currently (as of 2022), four US states are represented by 2 female senators.
Name two of them.

Last Month's Trivia: 

Who is the only US president who assumed the presidency without winning a majority of electoral votes, via the House of Representatives?

Answer: John Quincy Adams, in the presidential election of 1824, beat Andrew Jackson.

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