Conference scholarships available; March fundraising campaign.

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Newsletter, March 2022
Table of Contents:
Conference registration is open
Take action this week
March fundraising campaign
Columbus CCL in local news
Upcoming trainings
Registration opens for June in-person conference in DC


Registration has opened for CCL’s June conference in Washington, D.C.! This year’s conference is the first in-person CCL event in two years, and will be from Jun. 11-13. 

You can expect to hear from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Citizens’ Climate Lobby Board Member Mark Reynolds, Maryland Regional Director at Climate Xchange Wandra Ashley-Williams, and many others.

Conference-goers can add Saturday seminars onto their registration tickets for deeper dives into climate topics, such as working across the political divide, finding CCL’s next climate policies, and inclusion discussions.

Training and breakout sessions will help attendees build their skills as leaders and volunteers in the climate movement and learn how to engage members of Congress.

While CCL National will not be organizing in-person D.C. lobby meetings during this conference, volunteers can organize in-person or virtual lobby meetings with their members of Congress in consultation with congressional liaisons and state coordinators. Our lobby week will be in conjunction with the first International Week of Action in partnership with Citizens' Climate International. We can’t wait to see you there!


In other news this week:

  • Conference scholarships available: With the June conference coming up, CCL has scholarships available for conservatives and for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) attendees.
  • Volunteer Spotlight: For this month’s Volunteer Spotlight, we hear from Yonatan Malin, the leader of CCL’s Jewish Action Team from Boulder, Colorado. Read more here.
  • Ukraine and the climate movement: The Russian attack on Ukraine is tragic and is upending geopolitics. The question arises about how this affects climate policy. Read more.
Take action this week

If you have a little time: Thank Rep. Nancy Mace for her climate leadership

After supporting bipartisan bill H.R. 6953, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC-01) endorsed the usage of clean energy across America. You can like and share CCL’s tweet thanking her here. You can hear from Rep. Mace and many other conservative climate leaders at CCL’s upcoming Conservative Conference.

If you have more time: Watch the recording of the March national call

This month’s March national call featured Dr. Jennifer Carman with the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. Her research focuses on identifying and supporting behaviors that individuals and communities can take to adapt to both short- and long-term climate change impacts. You can watch the recording of that call here.

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. 

Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.
Monthly Gift + $150,000 Bonus Gift = BIG Impact

The events in Ukraine have reinforced what the climate has been telling us: it’s time to move away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy. Will you make sure that Congress and the President hear this message by signing up to donate monthly? 



We’re raising $15,000 in new monthly donations before month’s end. And to up the ante: an anonymous donor has agreed to make a $150,000 bonus gift—but only if we meet our fundraising goal by March 31st.

Your monthly donation helps us to fully meet this moment, including in the following ways: 

  • $25/month - Helping inform and mobilize hundreds of constituents through targeted digital education campaigns
  • $50/month - Providing support for ongoing leadership strategy meetings (for Congressional Liaisons, Group Leaders, and State Coordinators)
  • $100/month - Offsetting the cost of one live online volunteer training
  • $350/month - Providing a stipend for one Citizens’ Climate Diversity & Inclusion Fellow or Conservative Outreach Fellow


Monthly donations of any amount add up to a BIG annual impact…and help us unlock this significant bonus gift. Become a monthly Evergreen Donor today

P.S. Already a monthly Evergreen Donor? Consider increasing your monthly contribution. Sign in to your donor portal today to increase your monthly donation amount, and your contribution too will count toward our goal!

Grassroots: CCL chapter talks climate over ales

CCL’s Columbus chapter found itself in the news this past week. NBC 4 reporter Ben Orner joined CCL Columbus for an evening of pizza, beer, and climate discussion with the chapter’s monthly “Ales and Climate Tales” event. 

The casual meetings feature a guest speaker who focuses the event’s main discussion on a climate-related issue. This month’s speaker was Ohio State University Ph.D. candidate and earth scientist Allison Chartrand, who presented her research with glaciers.

The event is a timely one, explains chapter co-leader Donny Murray. Central Ohio is projected to see hotter summers and more flooding, among other costs.

“(CCL’s events are) really just trying to educate the public on why climate science — why climate change — is important to your everyday life,” Murray said.

Upcoming trainings

3/17: Campaign Season Activities — Join CCL's National Action Director Todd Elvins for a training that will review CCL's recently updated advice on campaign season activities this midterm election year. Join us! 

3/24: Growing Your Local Group — Join CCL's Field Development Director Elli Sparks for a training that reviews how to find, recruit and talk about CCL to potential new supporters. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

3/22: Engaging Grasstops Leaders — Join Todd Elvins, CCL's Action Coordinator, for a webinar on how to best conduct outreach to grasstops leaders in your area and beyond. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community

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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our Informational Session, and then register for our Climate Advocate Training.

The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
Join Info Session

Climate Advocate Training is held on the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT for 2.5 hours.
Register for Climate Advocate Training


Sign up for CCL Text Messages

As we build political will for climate solutions, CCL can notify you of timely actions via text message. This will be critical once a bill is in congress. You can opt out at any time. Sign up today!
Sign up for CCL Text Messages
Sign up for CCL Community

Connect with other CCL volunteers! Our online volunteer portal is filled with amazing resources for education, outreach and taking action. Community's Weekly Bulletin will keep you current on all the latest CCL news.
Request a CCL Community Login
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