There is no better investment than in our nation's youth

Hi John.

This month, we mark the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising.

In an increasingly hostile political climate, where violence and discrimination against the LGBTQ community are still far too common, LGBTQ teens can very clearly see this history in the context of their own lives.

My students help me understand that there is so much more to do.

But thanks to GLSEN supporters like you, this generation is the best-equipped ever to stand together and extend support to schools and communities across the US. They will no longer be silent, no longer take the abuse—they are ready to stand up and take their place in society.


Support GLSEN’s fight to ensure LGBTQ student protections!

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When I started teaching, I was determined to be an “out” educator, to serve as a role model for my students. And let them know that it’s okay to be yourself.

Part of that was forming a GSA. With resources and tools from GLSEN, we have been able to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment at my school.

GLSEN has also provided leadership opportunities for LGBTQ students to become advocates and strengthen our entire community.

The student advocates who are produced through these GLSEN leadership opportunities make our entire LGBTQ community stronger because other students have someone they can go to, someone they can lean on, and someone who can direct them to resources.

The impact has been exponential.

Will you take a moment now to help GLSEN build the next generation of LGBTQ activists and leaders?

When you do, you’ll be helping continue the movement sparked by Stonewall. In my opinion, there is no better investment one can make in our country’s youth.


Max Monegan
Bio-Med Science Academy

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