🗣️Friends – AIPAC claims to represent our community. We need to make clear to our leaders that they do not. Even though they’ve embraced far-right politicians who undermine our elections, traffic in conspiracy theories and spread anti-LGBT bigotry, we know that the AIPAC name still carries a lot of weight -- and still falsely purports to speak for the majority of pro-Israel Americans and American Jews on so many important issues, from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the Iran nuclear agreement.
J Street

AIPAC claims to represent our community. We need to make clear that they do not.
Tell Congress: AIPAC Doesn’t Speak for Me
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Friend --

AIPAC’s recent decision to endorse and fundraise for dozens of GOP Members of Congress who voted to overturn the election results after the January 6 insurrection has sent shockwaves through Washington and Jewish communities across the country.

It’s cut through the noise to show how one of the nation’s most vaunted lobby groups is totally out of step with the views, values and concerns of millions of Americans, including the vast majority of American Jews.

Even though they’ve embraced far-right politicians who undermine our elections, traffic in conspiracy theories and spread anti-LGBT bigotry, we know that the AIPAC name still carries a lot of weight -- and still falsely purports to speak for the majority of pro-Israel Americans and American Jews on so many important issues, from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the Iran nuclear agreement.

As a movement representing the true Jewish and democratic values of our community, we need to make sure it’s our collective voice -- not AIPAC’s -- that rings out the loudest and has the greatest impact.

Friend -- Add Your Name to Tell Congress: AIPAC Doesn’t Speak for Me


While the endorsement of top Trump cheerleaders like Jim Jordan and Elise Stefanik is outrageous, it’s also part of a broader pattern. AIPAC’s agenda has long stood in stark opposition to the values held by many of those they claim to represent.

In 2015 they fought to sink President Obama’s Iran nonproliferation deal. In 2016 their conference gave standing ovations to Donald Trump. In 2019 they ran attack ads smearing progressive Democrats as terrorist sympathizers.

On Capitol Hill, they continue to lobby fiercely against any meaningful action to deter settler violence, settlement expansion or ongoing occupation -- despite the fact that most voters and American Jews would like to see much tougher and more effective US leadership to push back and achieve lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace.

As the Biden Administration works to restore full compliance with the Iran nuclear agreement and prevent another disastrous war in the Middle East, AIPAC is doing everything it can to try to prevent diplomacy from succeeding.

At J Street, we’re proud to lead the fight for democratic freedoms for Israelis, Palestinians and right here at home.

We know that the Israeli right’s efforts to build and bulldoze their way to permanent control of the West Bank threatens the rights, freedoms and futures of both peoples. That the only way Israel can ever be a truly just, democratic and secure homeland for the Jewish people is for the Palestinian people to enjoy equal rights to peace, justice and self-determination.

And we know that whatever one’s view on Israel, there can be no excuse for raising millions of dollars for candidates who threaten our shared democratic future. Who promote bigotry and excuse white nationalism. Who have helped provide political cover to the insurrectionists who stormed our Capitol on January 6.

Friend -- please take a moment to add your name to our petition to show your elected representatives that AIPAC does not speak in your name.

Thank you, sincerely, for supporting our shared movement.

Logan Bayroff
VP of Communications, J Street

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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