The Violence Against Women Act Reuathorization Act of 2022 has been passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.  Email not displaying correctly?
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VAWA Signed Into Law

Dear John:

I just came from the White House, where President Biden led a celebration of the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which he signed into law yesterday! I was so honored to be just a few feet from the President when he said:

“It wasn’t so long ago this country didn’t want to talk about violence against women. As a society, we looked away… This law broke the dam of congressional resistance and cultural resistance… No one, no one, regardless of gender or sexual orientation should experience abuse, period. And if they do, they should have the services and support they need to get through it... All of you should be enormously proud of what you’ve accomplished. This reauthorization is testament to the power of your voices and your tireless dedication to changing things for the better.”

He is right! This law will mean our country does more to support survivors, to prevent teen dating violence, sexual assault and rape, to stop online harassment and other predatory behaviors, and to end violence against women and children of every kind. Because the Violence Against Women Act was reauthorized, our families and our communities will be safer.

The Violence Against Women Act is a law, and an investment in prevention, our country needs – and it would not have been reauthorized without your activism and support. Thank you for your powerful partnership as we continue working together to prevent violence and support survivors.

With respect,

Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

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