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March 16th, 2022
Welcome to the March 2022 edition of Transparency, Credential Engine’s monthly newsletter! This past month has been very busy and we have a full newsletter for you, including our new Equity Council, state legislative considerations, and partnership announcements. Additionally, Credential Engine is hiring for two positions. Keep reading to learn more about what Credential Engine has been up to this month!
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Credential Engine is excited to announce the launch of the Council on Credential Transparency & Equitable Pathways, Transfer, and Recognition of Learning. With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Council will bring together experience in policy and practice across K-12, higher education, workforce, and the business sector. The goal of this Council is to identify appropriate definitions of equitable pathways, transfer, and recognition of learning so we may best describe and represent them in open, transparent credential data. Additionally, the Council will develop guidelines for the appropriate curation and use of such credential data to maximize the likelihood of equitable outcomes. 

In addition to the 14 members who comprise this Council, we will invite the general public to engage with and contribute to the Council’s meetings, materials, deliberations, and recommendations. Read the full press release here.


Staff Update: Please welcome our new Strategic and Policy Engagement Manager. Credential Engine is excited to announce that Rachel Vilsack has joined the Credential Engine team! Rachel will be serving as our new Strategic and Policy Engagement Manager and will be working to connect credential transparency with other state and national initiatives, projects, and policies. Get to know the Credential Engine team!

Now Hiring: Accounts and Publishing Coordinator. Credential Engine is hiring! We are looking for an Accounts and Publishing Coordinator who is prepared to be in a customer-facing support position utilizing tools for content specialists. This position will be responsible for working closely with our publishing partners and technical team to ensure they have a positive account creation, publishing, and up-keep experience. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of the job. Priority will be given to applications submitted by April 1, 2022. Read the full job description.

Now Hiring: Communications and Digital Content Manager. We are looking for a Communications and Digital Content Manager to craft and implement thoughtful communications strategies to support our mission. This person will serve as the main storyteller to elevate Credential Engine’s work among state, national, and international audiences. Credential Engine is an equal opportunity employer. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of the job. Read the full job description.

Policy Corner.

Alabama Legislation Under Consideration: Recently, the State of Alabama introduced legislation that will significantly support credential transparency efforts across the state. The bill will help Alabama bolster the value and impact of the Alabama Credential Registry and other efforts across the state seeking to align credential and competency data, map the credential landscape, and improve pathways through education and into the workforce. This legislation is an important demonstration of commitment to and belief that credential transparency is a key element of rebuilding the economy and creating flexible systems capable of responding to workforce change. Legislation and policy are important supports for this work, and we are encouraged to see more and more states make this commitment. 

State Connections.

New State Success Stories: Our state partnership webpage features an interactive map that allows website visitors to explore the many state and regional partnerships Credential Engine has established across the country. We invite you to read our latest Success Story from Vermont to learn how agencies, organizations, and educational institutions within these states are working toward credential transparency. Explore our state partnerships.
Credential Engine is Working with States to Address Workforce Needs: Through the ​​Reimagine Workforce Preparation (RWP) Grants, Credential Engine is assisting New York, Michigan, and California with their credential transparency requirements, as required by the U.S. Department of Education. The goal of the RWP Grants is to help states build new capacity and flexibility to meet the needs of a changing workplace. Credential Engine’s role is to provide project management and technical assistance to these grantee’s while they map their credential data to the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) through the Credential Registry. To read more about Credential Engine’s role and how New York, Michigan, and California are utilizing the Grant, read the press release here.


Credential Engine works with Four States to bring Greater Transparency to Secondary School Credentials: Credential Engine is excited to announce, with support from the Walton Family Foundation and various grant-funded initiatives, that we are working with Ohio, Alabama, Indiana, and Colorado to map their secondary school credentials to the CTDL, publish them to the Credential Registry, and use the data to expand pathways and accountability across their states. This will create linkages that expand across state lines and help to connect Americans to education and job opportunities across the country. This work shows the importance and value of credential transparency and it will help other states that want to learn how to map their credentials and use better credential data for decision-making. Read the full press release.

 Skills-Driven State Community of   Practice RFA AnnouncedThe National   Governors Association Center for Best   Practices (NGA Center), in partnership with   Jobs for the Future (JFF), is launching the   Skills-Driven State Community of Practice.   This opportunity will help Governors’ offices and other senior state officials better connect skills-based training to skills-based hiring practices and to consider promising design elements of Learning and Employment Record (LER) systems. Applications are due March 25th. Click here to learn more and apply

Credential Engine and Education Design Lab announce partnership around equitable pathways: Credential Engine is excited to announce our partnership with Education Design Lab (the Lab) to support community college systems and related state agencies to prepare for the heightened expansion of skills-based learning and hiring. Credential Engine and the Lab are collaborating to build community college pathways that are connected using a shared data structure for credential and skill transparency. Credential Engine’s role is to provide the linked open data structure that enables diverse stakeholders to create connected pathways. Read the full blog post here. 


2022 HLC Annual Conference
April 1-5, 2022 - This conference provides opportunities for administrators, faculty, and staff of HLC member institutions, along with members of the HLC Peer Corps, to learn information and promising practices from fellow practitioners and the HLC staff. Deborah Everhart, Chief Strategy Officer for Credential Engine, will present at the Credential Transparency: Pathways to a Better Future panel.

ASU+GSV Summit 2022
April 4-6, 2022 - The annual ASU+ GSV Summit connects leading minds focused on transforming society and business around learning and work. Jeanne Kitchens, Chief Technology Officer for Credential Engine, will present at the workshop on “Designing the New Skills-Based Economy: How Visibility is the Lynchpin to Equity.”

SHRM Talent Conference & Expo 2022
April 10-13, 2022 - The conference provides the opportunity to share and promote products and services that help meet the needs of HR directors, staffing specialists, recruiters, talent acquisition specialists, and talent managers. Scott Cheney, Chief Executive Officer for Credential Engine, will present at the Maximizing Talent Acquisition and Development with Verifiable Digital Credentials session.
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