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Fair: "...if we want to create a fairer economy, we can no longer ignore immigration's unique contribution to racial inequality."

In the article "Immigration comes at a devastating cost to Black Americans," Urban League's T. Willard Fair wrote about how expanding immigration policy would only continue to harm African American workers while highlighting Roy Beck's "Back of the Hiring Line":

"Consider the years 1940 to 1980 - a period of comparatively lower immigration that generally led to tight labor markets. As immigration policy expert Roy Beck points out in his new book "Back of the Hiring Line," Black men saw their real incomes increase four-fold during those decades. Black men's earnings actually rose faster than white men's."

"...As my friend Roy Beck told me, economic history demonstrates that every time immigration levels have risen significantly, inequality has grown as well. The reverse is also true. So ask yourselves, why are so many Black politicians in D.C. intent on increasing immigration yet so adamantly opposed to even having a debate about reducing it?"

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