ACTION ALERT - Contact your MLA to vote against draconian, oppressive and discriminatory 'Abortion Zones' Bill at its "FINAL STAGE" in NI Assembly on Tuesday 22nd March
Green Party Leader Clare Bailey's Bill to criminalise pro-life people outside abortion centres will reach its Final Stage in the NI Assembly on Tuesday 22nd March.
Her so-called 'Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones)' passed all its first 5 stages with the support
of SDLP, Sinn Fein, UUP, Alliance Party, Green Party and PeopleBeforeProfit. Pro-abortion MLAs are desperate to get this Bill passed into law at its Final Stage before the Assembly is dissolved on 28th March for the Election.
Clare Bailey's Bill states the purpose of the zones is to ensure that pro-life people '...are criminalised’ for any actions which may have the effect of 'influencing' persons accessing an abortion centre.
If passed, the Bill will '...make it a CRIME to DO ANYTHING...’ outside an abortion centre, such as: talking to a woman to offer her help; handing out leaflets, simply holding a sign; or even just silently praying. Any of these actions will be '...punishable on conviction by fines' up to £2500
Clare Bailey’s abortion zones are discriminatory as they would only target pro-life people. Freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights – both protected under Articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act. Clare Bailey and other pro-abortion MLAs and Parties have exercised their rights to freedom of speech and expression at various protests down through the years in Northern Ireland. Yet they now want to deny these same rights to any person who is pro-life, and make them criminals for simply trying to protect unborn babies.
But worst of all, these 'Abortion Zones' will deprive vulnerable women in unexpected pregnancies of any alternative to abortion.
TAKE ACTION - Stop the 'Abortion Zones Bill' NOW
This discriminatory and draconian Bill must be not be allowed to become law. It is vital that you contact your MLAs and ask them to vote against the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill at its Final Stage on Tuesday.
Tell your MLAs that pro-life vigils are peaceful, and the police already have adequate powers to deal with any alleged actions that are against the law.
Remind your MLAs that every political party in Northern Ireland has taken part in some form of public 'protest.' Therefore, regardless of their views on abortion, the right to freedom of assembly and right to freedom of expression are fundamental human rights that they must uphold and protect.
A "Petition of Concern" in the NI Assembly allows MLAs to veto contentious legislation which discriminates against one community. The Petition requires the signatures of 30 MLAs.
The Abortion Zones Bill discriminates against pro-lifers and those who pray outside abortion centres. A proposed Petition of Concern against the Abortion Zones Bill will get the signatures of 29 MLAs, so at least 1 more signature is needed.
The UUP has members who say they are pro-life. Please contact them and urge them to sign the Petition of Concern against the Abortion Zones Bill...
Mrs Rosemary Barton - [email protected] - 02866322028
Mr Roy Beggs - [email protected] - 02893362995
Mr Robbie Butler - [email protected] - 07915020777
Mr Alan Chambers - [email protected] - 02891477555
Mr John Stewart - [email protected] - 02828272644

Please also make a special effort to contact SDLP MLAs. The Party still claim to be a "pro-life party". Remind them that their Party was founded in the protests of the Civil Rights movement. But this Bill, if passed, will deny the civil rights of pro-life people to peacefully witness outside abortion centres. Please contact them and urge them to sign the Petition of Concern against the Abortion Zones Bill...
Sinéad Bradley - [email protected] - 02841754000
Pat Catney - [email protected] - 02892528203
Mark Durkan - [email protected] - 02871365516
Cara Hunter - [email protected] - 02870348933
Dolores Kelly - [email protected] - 02838322140
Daniel McCrossan - [email protected]k - 02871882828
Patsy McGlone - [email protected] - 02886758175
Colin McGrath - [email protected] - 02843798350
Sinead McLaughlin - [email protected] - 02871162900
Justin McNulty - [email protected] - 02830267933
Nichola Mallon - [email protected] - 02895150100
Matthew O'Toole - [email protected] - 02890233344
Find all your MLA's contact details here...
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