
This is what Biden and his Socialists don’t care about, American energy security is NATIONAL security. 

Their war on American energy is weakening our country. Our economy depends on access to affordable gas, and as prices get higher, many Americans can’t keep up. People are having to choose between getting gas or putting food on the table.

On top of it all, he is now begging DICTATORS for oil. It is an infuriating and self-defeating policy to support Communist countries like Venezuela instead of jobs and better energy sources in our country. Our economy is faltering, and if we don’t start producing more oil, America and our allies will be stuck paying the price!
Biden’s negligence has gone on for far too long. If he wants us to start “buying American,” then it’s time for him to take his own advice and improve our domestic energy production.
America deserves better than to be paying the price for Biden’s America Last agenda. Support my fight to unleash American Energy Independence!

Thank you for joining the fight,  
Beth Van Duyne