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Dear Friend,

Our Critical Race theory bill was signed into law by Governor Tate Reeves on Monday.


When we published our report on Critical Race theory in Mississippi a few months ago, we presented clear evidence that it is being promoted in our state.  Our report also included a model bill, which i am delighted to see has now become law.


As Mississippi’s free market think tank, we believe that Critical Race theory is an extreme ideology that seeks to divide America.  Far from banning the teaching of history, our bill helps ensure that young Mississippians will grow up with a real understanding of the past. 


From now on, teachers will not be allowed to compel their students to believe that some Americans are superior or inferior to any other due to their immutable characteristics.


We believe that our bill is consistent with the Founding principle that all Americans are created equal, and with Dr Martin Luther King’s dream of America as a country where we judge individuals on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Mississippi Governor signs CRT bill into law. We explain why this is good for our state, and for those that believe in equality for all.

Our bill is good news for Mississippi – and we believe our bill will become a model that other American states will start to use, too.


It is great to see Mississippi lead the way. 


Let’s hope our lawmakers will now be as active in passing legislation to eliminate the income tax! 

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
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