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Take Action - Say No to the Rodeo
Los Angeles - We Need to Keep the Pressure on the City Council
Take Action to Support the Rodeo Device Ban


As many of you know, currently in L.A. City, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield is fighting to ban the use of rodeo torture devices – specifically electric prods and shocking devices, spurs and rowels, and flank or bucking straps. The City Council needs to keep hearing from you to pass this ordinance - click on the red box below to add your support.

Animal abuse has no place in Los Angeles and our laws must be changed to reflect empathy for animals. The rodeo ban can be a victory, but your voice is needed. The rodeo industry has been heavily lobbying CouncilMembers to vote against the Ordinance, another reason why it is important to voice your support!

Sample Sentences to Cut and Paste into City Council Rodeo File

I support the L.A. rodeo device ban. There is no excuse for animal abuse.

Please vote in favor of the L.A. rodeo device ban. There is no excuse for animal abuse.

Animal abuse has no place in Los Angeles. Please support the L.A. rodeo device ban.

Rodeos, and stand-alone bull riding events, glorify animal abuse as they masquerade as family entertainment. Horses and bulls do not buck naturally. These are scared animals bucking to escape torture devices common place at rodeos, such as electric prods, flank straps, and spurs. 

The L.A. rodeo device ban is modeled after a similar ordinance that passed in Pittsburgh, PA, in 1992. Pittsburgh is now considered a "blackout city" for rodeos. Click here to read the posted L.A. Rodeo Ordinance.

Thank you for taking action on behalf of the animals!

For the animals,

Mandy Andrews
LCA Campaigns Manager
[email protected]

Last Chance for Animals
[email protected] or 310-271-6096 x 27

Last Chance for Animals is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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