Dear CLCV Member,

This past Wednesday evening, CLCV honored the contributions of four incredible women making climate action possible: race car driver Leilani Mϋnter, Zero Hour founder Jamie Margolin, Silicon Valley Community Foundation CEO Nicole Taylor, and The 22 Fund Founder Tracy Gray at the Badass Women in Green Awards.




The event featured Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, Assemblymember Monique Limón and Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan who introduced our honorees on-stage and began with a powerful poem written and performed by spoken word artist Terisa Siagatonu. Terisa grounded the audience with a call for an intersectional environmental movement that centers the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. Each honoree offered a glimmer of hope and inspiration to the crowd while reminding us of the fight we have ahead to protect our future and our planet.

This year’s event felt bigger and bolder than ever before as we 
raised over $250,650 to power our efforts for 2020. Over 200 CLCV supporters and friends from across the United States attended. If you couldn’t join us, it’s not too late to contribute to our work today.

Your support is critical to our movement and will help us move the needle to ensure that we take on the deep pockets of Big Oil and other corporate polluters.

It’s been an extraordinary year for environmental action, and with the ongoing federal attacks on our progress, as well as the upcoming 2020 elections, we won’t stop fighting to make radical change happen.

Thank you for your support, 

Mary Creasman
Chief Executive Officer
California League of Conservation Voters 

P.S. Check out our full gallery of photos from the night here


Thank You to Our Host Committee! 

Estela De Llanos
Nourbese Flint
Carl Guardino
Doug Linney
Jena Price
Victoria Rome
Wendy Sue-Rosen
Deirdre Sanders
Parin Shah
Sarah Shanley-Hope
Nancy Sutley
Lea-Ann Tratten
Cristina Uribe

Thank You to Our Sponsors! 





Clint and Janet Reilly Foundation

Glen Dake

The Honorable Anthony Rendon
Speaker of the Assembly

Wendy-Sue Rosen & Elliot Rosenstein




Altshuler Berzon
Armbruster Goldsmith & Delvac LLP
Consumer Attorneys of California

Pitre & McCarthy, LLP
Fearless Advocacy
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Ormat Geothermal and GRC
SEIU California
UFCW Local 770



California YIMBY
Todd Campbell
Assemblyman Mike Gatto (ret.)
Move LA
Gladstein, Neandross & Associates
Robert Lawrence
S.E. Owens & Company
Stones' Phones
The Strategy Group
Kathryn Taylor
UFCW Western States Council


Senator Ben Allen
Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins
Audubon California
Steve Barkan/Barkan Strategies
Bridge Bank
Sarah Barth
Assemblymember Ed Chau
Mary Creasman
Defenders of Wildlife
Estela De Llanos 
Fran Diamond
Environmental & Energy Consulting
EMC Research
FM3 Research
Full Court Press Communications
League of Conservation Voters
Sean McManus 
Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi
The Nature Conservancy
Tim O'Connor
Andrew Okun
Perotti and Carrade, CPAs
Regional Parks Foundation
Resources Legacy Fund
Assemblymember Eloise Reyes
Eric & Erica Sklar
Nancy Sutley
TBW Media/TBWB Strategies
Tulchin Research
Brian VanRiper
Controller Betty Yee  
Mike Young



We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, and build political power for change. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.