Dear John,
In case you're not familiar with the benefits of Kirtan Kriya meditation, I wanted to share a summary of the findings from the two decades of research sponsored by your ARPF and supported by your donations.

Kirtan Kriya improves general brain function:
  • It increases blood flow to significant areas in the brain that have to do with memory.
  • It improves neurotransmitter function.
  • It has been shown to activate other areas of the brain like the anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus.
  • It increases gray matter in the brain, which is a marker of anti aging.
  • It decreases inflammation
  • It improves genetics
We've seen that it stops Subjective Cognitive Decline from progressing, because Subjective Cognitive Decline can develop into Mild Cognitive Impairment, and that can also develop into Alzheimer's. It also slows the progression of Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Studies at the University of Pennsylvania showed that people who practiced Kirtan Kriya reversed their memory loss and even two participants with Alzheimer's improved their memory.
Therefore, Kirtan Kriya is a strong brain-activation meditation and does everything possible to enhance global cognitive function to prevent Alzheimer's.

Join the Meditate for Your Memory Challenge
Today, Wednesday, March 16 - Sunday, March 20, 2022
11 am PT / 12 noon MT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET for 30 min   
Host: Kirti Khalsa, ARPF CEO
Kirtan Kriya has other beneficial effects as well:
  • It’s a super effective stress management technique, which is crucial because chronic stress releases cortisol, which is proven to cause memory loss.
  • It decreases anxiety
  • It improves depression
  • It helps you become more spiritual, which I wrote about in a very well-received scientific article in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, called Spiritual Fitness: A New Dimension in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention. The gist of this article is that people who are spiritually fit and/or have a religious practice have a decreased incidence of Alzheimer’s
Kirtan Kriya is also a fantastic brain aerobic exercise, meaning that just learning a new activity helps combat brain degeneration.
The musical part of Kirtan Kriya also stimulates and activates the brain. 

These are all the reasons why we are excited to offer this week's Meditate for Your Memory Challenge and practice this easy exercise.

There are still a few days left, I look forward to seeing you there.
Yours in Brain Health,

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President / Medical Director

Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF)

Prevention Editor, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease  
Easy Ways to Support ARPF

  • Amazon shopping: choose the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation when you shop on
  • Facebook fundraiser: ask your friends and family to donate for your birthday or another special occasion. Facebook offers this easy option, and it doesn’t cost you anything. If you don’t have a Facebook account, ask your young family members to create it for you.
  • Donate a vehicle: if you have a car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat that you don't want, it can be put to good use as an ARPF donation. This nationwide service is a great way to show support.