
NCAA Championships kick off tomorrow at Georgia Tech, and yet again, female swimmers face losing out on medals. Transgender swimmer Will “Lia” Thomas — the swimmer for the University of Pennsylvania who’s broken numerous female legacy records this season — is expected to compete in three races.

Margaret’s* daughter knows firsthand what it’s like to lose to Thomas, who has biological advantages over the female swimmers — like a bigger heart, larger wingspan, and more lung capacity. 

In a new documentary produced by Independent Women’s Forum, Margaret discusses the huge toll it’s taken on her daughter and other female swimmers in the Ivy League. 
Allowing male-bodied athletes to compete on limited roster teams inevitably means that there are fewer opportunities for female athletes — to be recruited, to receive a scholarship, or to participate in competitions.

We can’t afford to ignore the biological differences between men and women. Doing so will jeopardize all that women have worked for and the future of women’s sports. 
Friend, please watch Margaret’s story and share it.
Thank you,
Independent Women’s Forum

*Name has been changed to protect privacy.