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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
Reality Therapy for Democrats
By Will Marshall, PPI President 


Like the White Queen in “Alice in Wonderland,” Republican voters seem capable of believing “as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” In their looking-glass world, Donald Trump trounced Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, the world’s scientists are colluding in a climate change hoax and evil epidemiologists pushed mask mandates to deprive Americans of their liberty, not to protect them from a virus that’s killed more than six million people.

Democrats are wondering how they could possibly be losing to a defiantly delusional GOP in party preference matchups. One answer is that midterm elections are always tough on the party in power. Another is that Democrats have been falling into rabbit holes too.

Their illusions are explored in “The New Politics of Evasion,” a new study by two veteran political analysts, Bill Galston and Elaine Kamarck published by the Progressive Policy Institute. It’s a timely and incisive exercise in political reality therapy for President Biden and his party, whose public approval has cratered over the past year. 
By ignoring defecting swing voters, the authors warn, Democrats could not only take a beating in November but also reopen the door to Trump’s return, putting our democracy at risk.


Reality therapy for Democrats
By: Will Marshall
President of the Progressive Policy Institute

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PPI’s Ed Gresser on the Impact of the U.S. Move to Deny Russia  ‘Most-Favored-Nation’ Trade Status

Biden, European allies move to strip Russia of trade status
The Washington Post

Biden expected to announce revocation of 'most favored nation' trade status for Russia

U.S. Revokes Russia's 'Favored Nation' Trade Status, Bans Its Alcohol and Diamonds

U.S. and Allies Move to Further Isolate Russia From Global Economy
The New York Times

U.S. Moves to Deny Russia 'Most Favored' Trade Status
The Wall Street Journal 

Biden moves to reimpose Cold War trade restraints on Russia

Russia is not a 'most favored nation.' What now?
Associated Press

Russia One of Three Countries to Not Have U.S. Most Favored Nation Status
RAS Reports:
Report by PPI’s Reinventing America’s Schools Examines Fort Worth’s Innovative Leadership Academy Network, a Model for the New Age of Education

A new report by the Progressive Policy Institute’s Reinventing America’s Schools (RAS) Project provides a deep dive look into a promising, innovative education initiative in Texas. The Leadership Academy Network (LAN) is a novel partnership between the Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) and Texas Wesleyan University (TXWES). Through a performance contract, TXWES is responsible for the governance and day-to-day operations of six of the district’s most challenged schools. Supported with additional funding from the state, pursuant to Texas’ 2019 statute commonly referred to as “Senate Bill 1882,” the LAN operates autonomously from the district’s central office, with the deliverable of earning an Texas Education Agency “A” rating for each of the six campuses by 2024.

During this high-tension time for educators, school administrators, and parents, report author and Co-Director of the Reinventing America’s Schools Project Tressa Pankovits covers how and why the school district leaned in on this partnership, the state policy that authorized and sustains the partnership, how it works, and how it’s currently working.

New from the Experts
Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor: White House reaches out to Venezuela, a longtime foe, amid Russia crisis
⮕ Washington Post

Arielle Kane, PPI's Director of Health Care: With the pandemic receding, what's next for healthcare?
⮕ Washington Examiner

Ben Ritz and Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Director of the Center for Funding America's Future and PPI's Strategic Advisor: Manchin's energy and deficit-reduction bill can fight inflation-- and Russia
⮕ The Hill

Ed Gresser, PPI's Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets: America's "non-MFN" tariffs on natural resources are usually low. 
⮕ PPI's Trade Fact of the Week
Tune In!

PPI’s Reinventing America’s Schools (RAS) Project has partnered with The 74 Million to tape a new podcast series on "The Future of Teaching” recorded at the SXSW Education conference in Austin, Texas. This four-part series features interviews conducted by RAS co-director Curtis Valentine with pioneers in the field of education. Get up to speed on what is happening within the American education landscape and what to be on the look out for in the coming months! 

What really happened during San Francisco's School Board recall, and what can we learn from it?  Organizers Autumn Looijen, Siva Raj and Steven Buss join the show to talk about the process of organizing the SF School Board recall. We discuss why it was necessary to recall the Board, why this sort of thing pops up in San Francisco so consistently, what the driving factors behind the recall's success were, and what it means for our politics more broadly.
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