RAS Reports:
Report by PPI’s Reinventing America’s Schools Examines Fort Worth’s Innovative Leadership Academy Network, a Model for the New Age of Education
A new report by the Progressive Policy Institute’s Reinventing America’s Schools (RAS) Project provides a deep dive look into a promising, innovative education initiative in Texas. The Leadership Academy Network (LAN) is a novel partnership between the Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) and Texas Wesleyan University (TXWES). Through a performance contract, TXWES is responsible for the governance and day-to-day operations of six of the district’s most challenged schools. Supported with additional funding from the state, pursuant to Texas’ 2019 statute commonly referred to as “Senate Bill 1882,” the LAN operates autonomously from the district’s central office, with the deliverable of earning an Texas Education Agency “A” rating for each of the six campuses by 2024.
During this high-tension time for educators, school administrators, and parents, report author and Co-Director of the Reinventing America’s Schools Project Tressa Pankovits covers how and why the school district leaned in on this partnership, the state policy that authorized and sustains the partnership, how it works, and how it’s currently working.