We’re coming up on a HUGE fundraising deadline at the end of the month and we wanted to make sure you saw Megan’s message about it. Her projections show that we need to raise $4,000 by Thursday at 11:59 PM in order to stay on track to hit our Q1 fundraising goals.


We’re coming up on a HUGE fundraising deadline at the end of the month and we wanted to make sure you saw Megan’s message about it. Her projections show that we need to raise $4,000 by Thursday at 11:59 PM in order to stay on track to hit our Q1 fundraising goals.

We only raised $51 last night, so we still have a ways to go. Will you make sure our team is able to hit our goal by chipping in $10 to Colin’s campaign right now?

Colin has one of the strongest grassroots team’s in the country, and it’s all because of you. Please read Megan’s message below and donate any amount you can.

Thank you,
Allred for Congress

----- Begin Original Message -----

Colin Allred for Congress


Primary day is over in Texas. While Colin’s future opponents duke it out in a runoff, general election campaign season is here for Team Allred. And this month, we’re going to need to tackle our biggest fundraising challenge yet.

At the end of March, our team will file our first public FEC report of 2022! That means Republicans will have a chance to see exactly where our campaign stands and how strong of an operation we’re running.

We know our grassroots team is top-notch and will be critical to re-electing Colin in the fall. But we need to make sure our report reflects this. I want us to get a jump on our end-of-quarter fundraising early because this one is so important. Can you help us raise $4,000 over the next four days by chipping in $20 right away?

By my calculations, if we can hit this $4,000 mark by Thursday night, we will be right on track to reach our Q1 fundraising goal!

But we need a little boost tonight. Will you donate right now and help Colin get a head start?

I appreciate anything you’re able to give.


Colin Allred is a civil rights attorney, former NFL linebacker, Dallas native, and the proud congressional representative for Texas' 32nd District. Your support ensured his re-election for another term -- but the fight continues.

Paid for by Colin Allred for Congress


Colin Allred for Congress
PO Box 601631
Dallas, TX 75360
United States