What can you do to fight climate change? A few tweaks in your diet may be a good start—and make you healthier.
And you don’t have to go vegan. A Purdue University study, analyzing more than 57,000 U.S. households, found just three changes could shrink the food carbon footprint of 7 in 10 Americans.
Not only are high calorie/low nutritional foods like candy, soda, and packaged snacks bad for you, they’re a tenth of the average family’s food carbon footprint. The study advises families to cut them—as well trim purchases of ready-made foods or bulk orders, some of which often end up in the garbage. (Nearly 40 percent of U.S. food production is wasted). Doing these things at the supermarket could cut a family’s food carbon footprint a quarter, with massive positive effects if many people do it.
Read more about cutting your family’s effect on climate change in the April edition of National Geographic. (Pictured above, Tina Nielsen-Hodges weighs an eggplant at a food co-op in Ithaca, New York.)
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