John, as Russia’s military continues to batter Ukraine in blatant violation of international law, it is devastating to see that country torn apart by war. The death toll is rising, and almost 3 million refugees have fled from the violence and need support.
Here is the latest on the crisis, the reports you need about how antisemitic conspiracy theories and other misinformation are spreading in the wake of the invasion and how you can take action...
- Russian President Vladimir Putin is trotting out false claims that the military action is aimed at “the denazification of Ukraine.” Our Director of European Affairs, Andrew Srulevitch, explains why this Russian propaganda is being used
to discredit the democratically elected Ukrainian Government, which is led by President Vlodymyr Zelensky, a member of that country’s Jewish community.
- Antisemitic conspiracy theories have been promoted to blame Jews for the crisis, making accusations that Jews sparked the war due to a ‘lust for murder and blood.’ Our researchers have put together a new report on these appalling claims and the underlying myths of Jewish power and greed.
- Russian-fueled disinformation is being spread, weaponizing social media platforms to amplify their justifications and accusations in clear violation of the terms of service of each of these platforms. We and our partners in the #StopHateforProfit coalition call on these social media companies to immediately remove this disinformation
and its providers from their platforms, whether voluntarily or via executive order or congressional legislation.
- Advocate for refugees; click here to urge the Biden Administration to protect refugees fleeing Ukraine and keep Ukrainian families together.
- Support organizations doing vital humanitarian work. Here are some disaster relief efforts that are helping meet the urgent needs on the ground in Ukraine and in nations coping with the influx of refugees.
As families are being torn apart and lives are being lost, we thank you for speaking out for the people of Ukraine.
Sincerely, |
Jonathan Greenblatt |
CEO and National Director |