SAM is also hosting a corresponding side event on March 18 entitled “Lessons Learned from Commercial Marijuana” featuring Washington State Representative Lauren Davis (D-32ndDistrict), who will be joined by SAM President Dr. Kevin Sabet and SAM Executive Vice President Luke Niforatos. 
This event will feature first-hand insight on cannabis issues along with never-before-seen stories and data from across many different countries and institutions.

Join us on March 18th from 8:00-8:50am CET!

SAM will also be joining the World Federation Against Drugs at their side event the "Global Risks of Cannabis Commercialization: Lessons learned from targeted marketing strategies towards women."
Friend of SAM, Dr. LaTisha Baker will share more on increased cannabis marketing in North America (USA and Canada) and will shed light on why Big Pot's next big marketing target is women.

Join us on March 17 from 1:10-2:00pm CET!

To join this webinar, please register here.
Thanks to your support, we are able to have an impact on drug policy on local, state, national, and international level.

Dr. Kevin Sabet
Smart Approaches to Marijuana