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The Indigenous Environmental Network
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 Dear relatives, 
I am excited to share this news with you. Today the Indigenous Environmental Network and Climate Justice Alliance are launching our Carbon Pricing Toolkit Volume Two. The launch comes just ahead of our delegation attending the UNFCCC COP 25 in Madrid, Spain. The educational guide and toolkit is designed to explain the flaws in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement ahead of its approval at UNFCCC COP 25 next month. 
Indigenous peoples across Mother Earth are rising up against extractive industries that are creating climate chaos in our homelands. We will not sit quietly while we watch our ecosystems destroyed. Article 6 is the status quo and we demand a just transition that keeps dirty energy sources in the ground. 
Carbon Pricing: Popular Education Toolkit for Community Resistance, Volume 2 is for every group and community organizing for climate justice, resisting the false solutions of carbon pricing. This project began side-by-side with the publication, Carbon Pricing: A Critical Perspective for Community Resistance, Volume 1, which was published in 2017 by IEN and CJA. The toolkit includes short readings, workshop activities, workshop plans, and responses from Indigenous leaders directly impacted by carbon pricing projects.
The accessible toolkit provides a devastating critique of both the theory and practice of carbon pricing, which lies at the heart of global climate policy. The objective of the training initiative is to continually educate ourselves on climate justice and climate policy. Because the majority of climate policies continue to include false solutions, the key purpose of this toolkit is to analyze and interrogate market-based carbon pricing initiatives in all of their forms in order to organize for a just transition.
This toolkit was written by IEN's Climate Change and Forest Policy Advisor Tamra Gilbertson because after decades of carbon trading failure, dispossession and human rights abuses, the continuation of market-based neoliberal policies for climate change must end now.
Sharing stories through this popular education initiative is a powerful way to build international solidarity towards climate justice and action.
The toolkit can be viewed and downloaded at
Want to spread the word on social media?
Grab some graphics and messaging from our
Carbon Pricing Toolkit Vol. 2 Social Media Guide.
Thank you, 
Tom BK. Goldtooth


Established in 1990, The Indigenous Environmental Network is an international environmental justice nonprofit that works with tribal grassroots organizations to build the capacity of Indigenous communities. IEN’s activities include empowering Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, the health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.
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The Indigenous Environmental Network  |  PO Box 485  |  Bemidji, MN 56619  |

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