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Biden under pressure to do things that will only escalate Russia-Ukraine violence

By Kelly A. Grieco on Mar 15, 2022 03:06 am

Proposals floating around Washington could backfire at a time when Russia is already digging itself a hole.
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Don’t botch this opportunity to improve relations with China

By Doug Bandow on Mar 14, 2022 03:00 am

Has the Russian invasion opened space for intensive negotiations to diminish tensions over Taiwan and Asia-Pacific territorial issues?
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The Biden administration’s terrifying gamble

By Marcus Stanley on Mar 12, 2022 09:41 am

The president's red line on direct US intervention is reassuring, but signals that he has given up on diplomacy are not.
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Already fragile JCPOA talks ‘paused’ over Russian demands

By Trita Parsi on Mar 11, 2022 10:24 am

Moscow is playing hardball, but the question remains: do they mean to make the others sweat or scuttle the deal completely?
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The absurd push to send unusable military hardware to Ukraine

By Daniel Larison on Mar 11, 2022 03:36 am

Critics would rather that the US be seen 'doing something bold' but useless, rather than providing Ukraine with effective assistance.
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Uncomfortable lessons from a checkered irregular warfare legacy

By Rameez Abbas on Mar 11, 2022 03:00 am

During the Cold War, events didn't unfold the way U.S. policy makers expected. They never do.
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Hawkish Yoon wins in Seoul, posing challenges for Taiwan, North Korea policy

By Jessica J. Lee on Mar 09, 2022 05:31 pm

The conservative has won the closest presidential race in the country's history — so where does he stand on the contentious issues?
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