Good evening John,
At the recommendation of the Policy and Political Affairs Committee, the Executive Board voted to tentatively endorse the following pieces of legislation using the expedited process outlined in our bylaws that allows the board to do so "provided said position is consistent with this organization’s platform." Members have 48 hours as of this notice to object to an endorsement under this process, therefore pushing the contested item(s) to the next available general membership meeting. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
California State Assembly Bill 587 (Gabriel, Cunningham, Bauer-Kahan, Lee, McCarty, Rivas, Ward, Wicks, Wiener)
This bill requires social media companies to post their terms of service and
submit quarterly reports to the Attorney General on their terms of service and
content moderation policies and outcomes (press release)
California State Assembly Bill 2063 (Berman)
This bill prohibits affordable housing impact fees, including inclusionary zoning fees, in-lieu fees, and public benefit fees, from being imposed on a housing development’s density bonus units (press release)
California State Assembly Bill 2097 (Friedman, Lee, Skinner, Wiener)
This bill reduces housing costs and slashes climate and air pollution by eliminating expensive parking mandates on new homes built near high-quality transit (article)
California State Assembly Bill 2234 (Rivas, Grayson)
This bill creates a framework for local governments to process residential building permits more efficiently and cost-effectively across the state (press release)
California State Assembly Bill 2873 (Jones-Sawyer)
This bill advances diversity, equity, and inclusion by requiring developers that receive state affordable housing dollars to report if the firms they contract with are owned and operated by people of color, women, or LGBTQ+ people
California State Senate Bill 649 (Cortese)
This bill creates a state policy supporting local tenant preferences for lower income households that are subject to displacement risk and authorizes local governments and developers in receipt of specified affordable
housing funds to restrict occupancy to those at risk of displacement (press release)
California State Senate Bill 886 (Wiener, Hueso, Rivas)
This bill help universities build student housing faster and at lower cost by streamlining the environmental review process for housing on university-owned land that is neither at risk of fire nor in a sensitive habitat (press release)
California State Senate Bill 1364 (Durazo, Caballero, Kalra, Rivas, Cortese, Leyva, Pan, Stern, Bryan, Jones-Sawyer)
This bill allows company employees to enforce the University of California's Equal Pay for Equal Work policy by requiring a vendor to supply to UC and any joint labor-management committee the basic payroll information necessary to know if a vendor is abiding by UC policy
Social Hour (East Bay Young Democrats)
Meet the board and other members and learn more about the work we do and how you can help!
Friday, March 18 @ 7 pm
7th West @ 1255 7th Street (Oakland)
Donate or Become a Member
Candidate Training 101 (Alameda County Democratic Party)
Running in 2022? Learn what you need to win!

Saturday, March 19 | 10:00 - 11:30 am
Campaign Organization with Angela Ramirez Holmes, Alliance Campaign Strategies
Getting started, campaign roles and how to fill them, budgeting
Saturday, March 19 | 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Fundraising with Laurie Earp, Earp Events and Fundraising
Do's and don'ts, tips and tricks, emphasis on contactless fundraising
Saturday, March 26 | 10:00 - 11:30 am
Communication with Lisa Tucker, The Tucker Group
Shaping your message, using media, earning endorsements
Saturday, March 26 | 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Voter Contact with Ze-Kun Li, Clifford/Moss
Direct mail, phone banking, precinct walking
Register: $30 (All Sessions)
Questions: [email protected]
Ruben Hernandez Story (he/him/él)
Communications Director
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” — Maya Angelou
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