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Dear Supporter,
⛽️💸 Our campaign for fuel tax relief pays off

The Prime Minister has read the room and responded to spiking
petrol costs with a $0.25/litre reduction in fuel excise tax, lasting
for at least three months.
Here's yesterday vs today at BP in Brooklyn, Wellington:

Pulling the excise lever is exactly what we have called for – and
while a 25 cent tax cut is modest, it actually goes further than what
the National Party has proposed.
This move is not a silver bullet for the cost of living
crisis, but it does acknowledge the responsibility the Government has
to limit its own contribution to household costs.
The announcement shows that the Government responds to people
power. Our petition
to cut fuel tax received 16,000 signatures. Our fuel
tax refund event in Takapuna exposed high taxes with media
coverage from Newshub,
News, and Radio
And Taxpayers' Union supporters have
plastered stickers
on fuel pumps and even their own vehicles:

(We cannot encourage putting stickers on
fuel pumps. But it is funny.)
Of course, the fuel tax cut will limit
funding available in the National Land Transport Fund for transport
projects. Grant Robertson says he will divert money from his COVID
slush fund to make up the revenue loss, but for longer-term tax relief
he needs to stop raiding fuel tax revenue for cycleways, urban
beautification, and other projects that don’t benefit the motorists
paying the bills.
What about the other taxes on fuel?

Our fuel tax campaign has focused on the excise tax because the
Government directly sets the excise tax rate. But excise isn't the
only tax on petrol.
Emissions Trading Scheme levies now make up 18 cents on
every litre – and the cost is set to increase as the Government
releases fewer carbon credits into the market.
The Government uses revenue from ETS levies for its "climate
emergency" slush fund, paying for pet projects such as cycleways and
urban beautification. (Regular readers of our newsletters will
understand that these projects do not actually cut emissions, because
emissions are already capped and traded under the ETS.)
The thing is, the ETS was never meant to be a money-maker for
the Government. It is simply meant to incentivise companies and
households to cut emissions in cost-effective ways.
ACT has now announced
a policy to return all ETS levies to taxpayers as an annual
"carbon dividend", working out at $749 for a household of four – a
policy we've been calling
for. A carbon dividend would preserve the incentive effects of the
ETS while removing the net cost to taxpayers.
Is Nanaia Mahuta cracking under pressure?

Nanaia Mahuta's latest attempt to pacify critics of Three Waters
has failed. The 47
recommendations from her "Working Group" will only serve to add
complexity and cost to the scheme.
Now commentators from Stuff, the NZ Herald, and TVNZ are
openly asking whether she should still be fronting Three
Waters. As Bryce Edwards writes
in the Herald:
the Government may wish to have her
out of the portfolio before the local government candidates begin
their campaigns, which will surely utilise opposition to Mahuta and
Three Waters, setting up an early warning of what Labour might be
facing in 2023.
For more evidence that the Government and Nanaia Mahuta have been
spooked by our efforts to stop Three Waters, look at this
interview from the weekend.
Nanaia Mahuta isn't known for admitting she's wrong, so it's
telling that she now admits she botched the communications campaign
that saw $3.5 million spent on condescending TV ads.
But she's still standing by the Three Waters scheme as a whole,
including the co-governance arrangements that will dilute
accountability and open the way to water royalties (charges for the
right to use water).
Thank you to the thousands of New Zealanders who have now
chipped into our court
action fund and general Three
Waters campaign fund.
The real reason Mahuta cannot be trusted

At the Taxpayers' Union, we oppose Three Waters because it is a bad
policy – it takes assets away from local control and puts them
in the hands of massive co-governed water-entities, separated from
ratepayers by four layers of bureaucracy.
However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is
another reason why Three Waters is so unpopular: New Zealanders simply
don't trust Nanaia Mahuta to protect democratic values.
Last week, we saw exactly why Mahuta isn't trusted. As
Minister of Local Government, she announced she's cancelling
next year's elections in Tauranga, with Wellington-appointed
commissioners continuing to run the Council until 2024.
Mahuta’s decision in 2020 to dissolve the council in Tauranga
resulted in a Wellington-appointed, co-governed commission pushing
through a 17 percent rates hike. Why should we expect her unelected,
co-governed water entities to deliver anything better for
Our friends at the Tauranga Ratepayers' Alliance are
running a petition to restore elections: click
here to sign the petition.
Sixty-four DJs jumped border queue last year
We can reveal that 316 foreign entertainers, including 64
DJs, were fast-tracked through MIQ in 2021.
Taxpayers have spent $1.2 billion on MIQ – $660 for every
household in the country. And while the regime is winding down for
Kiwis, the "lottery of human misery" continues for international
As reported
by the Herald, we received an official information response
showing how many entertainers were given border exemptions under the
"other critical worker" criteria last year:

This reinforces the view that the Government's criteria for border
exemptions was and is a complete shambles.
Techno performers like DJ Dimension and Dom Dolla hogged
rooms in MIQ facilities while Kiwis were barred from seeing their
families. Even essential workers were unable to enter the country,
including hundreds
of nurses. One Kiwi nurse was denied an MIQ spot
eight times, and eventually resorted to sailing to
New Zealand from Australia.
Melbourne DJ Dom Dolla squats in
front of a helicopter on the Auckland waterfront while overseas Kiwis
were barred from seeing sick relatives.
The justification that these entertainers brought a "significant
wider benefit to the national or regional economy" just doesn't stack
up. Last year we
suggested that a more productive (and taxpayer-friendly) approach
to MIQ slots would be to release a limited number of slots to
foreigners that would be allocated to the highest bidder. This would
naturally prioritise high-value visitors and also provide a revenue
stream to recoup the massive
costs of MIQ.
Luxon's tax bracket reset is underwhelming
In his State of the Nation speech, National Party leader
Christopher Luxon unveiled this proposal to adjust income tax brackets for the
last four years of inflation:

This small adjustment to tax brackets is more of a 'tax reset' than
a genuine tax cut. And even as a tax reset, it's a weak one.
We would suggest a more substantial reset: update tax
brackets to make up for inflation for the full decade since the
brackets were originally set, not just the last four
The political merit of Christopher Luxon's proposal is that it is
so modest that even a Labour Government has little excuse to reject
it. This policy would barely scratch the sides of the Government's $6
billion spending allowance.
Will National present a stronger tax policy before the

Before his shock retirement
announcement, I sat down remotely with National Party Finance
spokesman Simon Bridges for a discussion on bracket creep, Labour's
new taxes, and whether we can expect more substantial income tax
relief from National before next year's election. Click
here to listen.
(Note: the interview was recorded before the Government's
announcement of fuel tax cuts.)
You can find all of our Taxpayer Talk episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or iHeart Radio.
Sport NZ spends $4.7 million conducting surveys

After investigating a tip-off, we have discovered that Sport NZ has
spent $4.7 million conducting surveys in the last four years,
interrogating New Zealanders on what kind of physical activity they
do, how often, and for how long.
The spending
figures were provided to the Taxpayers' Union under the Official
Information Act:

This mammoth ongoing data-mining exercise proves that when you give
an obscure agency generous taxpayer funding, they'll find a way to
spend it.
Even if we accept that Sport NZ has to survey 20,000 people
every year, the cost of $50 per participant is eyebrow-raising. At the
Taxpayers' Union we manage to run surveys far more cheaply, even when
we commission scientific market research companies like
Obsessively tracking New Zealanders' participation in
yoga, gardening, and tramping may be a fun statistical exercise, but
it hardly seems like a priority during a cost of living
crisis. We're left wondering if Sport NZ is simply
This newsletter is getting long...
Two last cases of wasteful spending before I sign off this Taxpayer
reports that Kainga Ora has spent $24 million on renovating its
own offices in the last four years. How can the housing agency
claim to be in touch with low-income New Zealanders when it's spending
like a mega-corporate??
Herald reports that Michael Wood's tram to Māngere could cost $29
billion, according to Treasury officials – up from previous estimates
of $14.6 billion and $24 billion. $29 billion is $15,000 for every
Kiwi household, and well above a million dollars per metre of
All the best,
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'

crisis prompts Govt to cut fuel
Kiwiblog Labour
cuts a tax!
NBR Friday
Faceoff with Wellington mayoral candidate Tory Whanau and Louis
Houlbrooke from the Tax Payers' Union
Herald Inflation
fallout, Ardern's future and internal polls: Claire Trevett and Thomas
Coughlan answer your politics
Stuff Things
are bad enough to make me care who wins the next
Homepaddock One
big mistake
Businessdesk On
The Money: Tesla co-founder down under, NZX, Victoria Harris, Ian
Businessdesk Polltracker:
Labour and Nats now neck and neck
Herald MIQ
'irrational': Hundreds of entertainers, dozens of DJs granted
exceptions to get into NZ
NZ Herald Political
poll: National jumps past Labour in 1News-Kantar poll - Jacinda Ardern
dips, Chris Luxon up in preferred prime minister
Stuff Wellington's
empty and sad - where are the ideas to revive
NZ Herald Nats
hit the lead in latest polling
Project Bryce
Edwards: Political Roundup – Can Three Waters be salvaged, or will
Nanaia Mahuta have to go?
Stuff Taxpayers'
Union society wrongly listed as 'dissolved' after alleged
NZ Herald National
Party leader Christopher Luxon draws tax, cost-of-living 'crisis' as
battle lines
Stuff Christopher
Luxon to use big speech to announce National would unwind Labour tax
Stuff CEO's
$30k leadership course takes up lion's share of New Plymouth District
Council top tier training
Homepaddock Good
use of our money?
Kiwiblog Even
the PSA supports indexing tax
Stuff As
the Reserve Bank stokes interest rates, vodka may be the
Newsroom Dirty
water and divisive politics: Three Waters reforms taken to
NZ Adviser Reserve
Bank lifts official cash rate back to pre-pandemic
NZ Herald Thomas
Coughlan: National attracting younger voters, will Luxon reap election